辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SHATOX SX-200 工业编码器

辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SHATOX SX-200 工业编码器

参考价: 面议

2023-01-09 09:53:12





辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SHATOXSX-200OctaneTestercapabilities:甲烷检测器的特性Measurementofoctanelevel.AccordingASTMD2699-86,ASTMD2700-86; 甲烷水平的测量,根据ASTMD2699-86,ASTMD2700-86


辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SHATOX SX-200
Octane Tester capabilities:甲烷检测器的特性

Measurement of octane level. According ASTM D 2699-86, ASTM D 2700-86; 甲烷水平的测量,根据ASTM D 2699-86, ASTM D 2700-86;

Measurement of cetane level. According ASTM D 4737-03, ASTM D 613, EN ISO 5165;
十六烷水平的测量,根据ASTM D 4737-03, ASTM D 613, EN ISO 5165

Measurement of freezing-point of diesel fuel and type; 柴油燃料的冷冻点和类型的测量;
Motor oil purity level measurement; 发动机油纯度水平的测量;
Transformer oil disruption voltage measurement; 变压器油干扰电压的测量;
Transformer oil dielectric dissipation measurement; 变压器油电介质损耗的测量;
Fuel and oil dielectric conductivity measurement. 燃料和石油电介质传导性的测量。

A modification of the universal fuel and oil quality analyzer Octane Tester SX-200 is intended for detection of type and measurement of octane number of gasoline, cetane number of diesel fuel, and also for estimation of diesel fuel freezing temperature, purity level, and quality of motor, industrial and transformer (dielectric puncture potential) oil.

In Octane Tester SX-200 accurate sample temperature adjustment is implemented with the use of digital thermometer. In the analyzer's memory measurement results can be stored and transferred to a PC.

Capability to make an individual measurement program (according to customer's requirements) allows to adjust the instrument to analyze the quality of any gasoline. New microprocessor is used for quick and accurate processing in analyzer. The device measures and displays octane number RON, MON and antiknock index AKI (RON+MON)/2 simultaneously. The instrument has additional 220V power supply, battery charge indicator, display backlight.
制作个人测量程序(根据顾客的需要)的性能可以允许调节仪器来分析任何汽油的质量。新的微处理器的使用可以使分析器的运行快速而准确。设备同时测量和显示甲烷数量研究法、机动法和抗爆指数AKI (RON+MON)/2 。仪器还有附加的220伏能量供应、电池充电指示器和显示背光照明。

The Octane Tester SX-200 is recommended for the use at filling stations, petroleum refineries, Custom-houses, environmental and supervisory organizations, electric power stations as a portable universal device to control fuel and oil quality.

SHATOX SX-200的技术说明
Parameter description 参数描述Value
Measurement range of octane numbers (ON), ON units 甲烷数量的测量范围(甲烷数量),甲烷数量单位40-120
Acceptable limit of octane number measurement basic error, ON units (max) 甲烷数量测量基本错误可接受的限度,甲烷数量单位(值)0.5
Limit of acceptable difference between parallel octane number measurements, ON units (max)
Measurement range of cetane numbers (CN), CN units 十六烷数量测量范围(十六烷数量),十六烷数量单位20-100
Acceptable limit of cetane number measurement error, CN units (max) 十六烷数量测量错误可接受的限度,十六烷数量单位(值)±1.0
Limit of acceptable difference between parallel cetane number measurements, CN units (max)
± 0.5
Motor oil purity level measurement range, % max 发动机油纯度水平测量范围,% 值95
Acceptable limit of motor oil purity level measurement error, % max 发动机油纯度水平测量可接受的错误限度,% 值0.1
Limit of acceptable difference between parallel motor oil purity level measurements, % max
平行的发动机油纯度水平测量之间可接受的差异限度,% 值
Fuel and oil dielectric conductivity measurement range, units 燃料和石油电介质传导性测量范围,单位1-5
Acceptable limit of dielectric conductivity measurement error, units (max) 电介质传导性测量错误可接受的限度,单位(值)0.001
Limit of acceptable difference between parallel dielectric conductivity measurements, units (max)
Transformer oil disruption voltage measurement range, kV 变压器油干扰电压的测量,千伏5-100
Acceptable limit of transformer oil disruption voltage measurement error, kV (max) 变压器油干扰电压的测量可接受的错误限度,千伏(值)1
Limit of acceptable difference between parallel transformer oil disruption voltage measurements, V (max)
Transformer oil dielectric dissipation measurement range, % 变压器油电介质损耗的测量, %0.01-5
Acceptable limit of transformer oil dielectric dissipation measurement error, % 变压器油电介质损耗的测量可接受的错误限度, %0.01
Limit of acceptable difference between parallel transformer oil dielectric dissipation measurements, units (max)
Measurement time, s 测量时间,秒 1-5
Threshold of low battery voltage indication, V 电池低电压显示的极限值,伏5.4
overall dimensions 总容积
· Sensor, mm 传感器,毫米
· Electronic unit, mm 电子元件,毫米

60 х 100
100 х 210 х 25
Mass of octanemeter, gr 甲烷仪表群,克680
Mean-time-between-failures, hour (min) 故障间的平均时间,小时(分钟)1000

The delivery package of Octane Meter SX-200 consists of the following components:
Electronic unit; 电子元件
Sensor; 传感器
Sample imitator; 样本模拟器
User manual; 使用者指南
RS 232 computer connecting cable; RS 232电脑连接电缆
Software CD; 软件CD
Tool canvas bag. 工具帆布包

辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SHATOX SX-200

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