辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SHATOX SX-100M 工业编码器

辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SHATOX SX-100M 工业编码器

参考价: 面议

2023-01-08 09:47:33





辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SHATOXSX-100MCapabilities 性能Parameter 参数Description 描述AccordingMeasurementofoctanelevel


辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SHATOX SX-100M

Capabilities 性能

Parameter 参数Description 描述According
Measurement of octane level.
Research (RON), motor (MON) method.
Anti Knocking Index AKI (Pump octane number PON).
抗爆指数 AKI (泵抽甲烷数量 PON)
ASTM D 2699-86, ASTM D 2700-86.
Measurement of cetane level.
Simultaneously with cetane number the type and temperature of hardening of diesel fuel is defined.
ASTM D 4737-03, ASTM D 613, EN ISO 5165.
Measurement freezing-point of diesel fuel.
It is defined depending on cetane numbers of diesel fuel.
Facultative parameter.
Measurement type of diesel fuel.
Type of diesel fuel. (S-summer, W-winter, A-arctic) is defined depending on temperature of hardening.
柴油燃料的类型。(S-夏季, W-冬季, A-极寒天气)根据硬化的温度来定义。
Facultative parameter.

Octane Meter is developed in Petroleum Chemisorption Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science. The fuel quality analyzer Octane Meter is intended for evaluation of the type of gasoline, and determination its octane number. The Octane Meter also determines the cetane number of diesel fuel.

Equally good the Octane Meter measures the parameters of the leaded and unleaded gasoline, as well as the gasoline with different additives. 10 seconds is the maximum time to detect the type of gasoline at the worst conditions (cold start). The entire process is automated - the operator only needs to fill the sensor with the gasoline, turn on the instrument, and write down the results from the display.

The Octane Meter is simple in use, and does not require regular adjustments and special maintenance. The use of the Octane Meter eliminates the human factor during the quality estimation of the oil products. It's recommended to use the instrument at petroleum storages, filling stations, customs houses, and for the check of the samples in gasoline production lines.

The measurement principle of the octane level is based on a comparative analysis between the paraMeters of the analyzed gasoline and the reference gasoline paraMeters stored in the microprocessor's memory.

The design of the instrument and the measurement algorithm provides a high-level noise immunity and, as a result, a stable measurement. During gasoline blending octane level can be controlled within the range from 40 to 120. There is an option to adjust the instrument for a nonstandard fuel, for example, natural (gaseous condensate) or virgin gasoline. An advanced user can perform such an adjustment without assistance of the instrument maker.
仪器的设计和测量算法提供了一个高水平的噪音免疫,结果形成了一个稳定的测量。在汽油的混合中,甲烷水平可以在40 到 120间进行控制。这里有一个对不标准的燃料进行调节的选项,例如,自然的(气态冷凝物)或者未经开发的汽油。高水平的使用者不需要仪器制造者的帮助就可以操作这样的调节。

Inaccuracy of repeated measurements does not exceed 0.5 unit of octane level.
Absolute error, determined by comparison the Octane Meter indications and indications of stationary instrument in the laboratory environment does not exceed 0.5 unit of octane level.
Octane Meter was registered in public register ( 33552-2007 certification № 26305) and permitted for use in Russian Federation based on the positive results of the tests.
基于检测的积极结果,甲烷仪表在公共注册( 33552-2007 证书号码 26305)中已经注册,并且得到联邦政府的允许使用。

Octane Meter SX-100M 辛烷值/十六烷值分析仪SX-100M
Octane Meter SX-100M in comparison with the base model has: more durable case, more integral parameters of the gasoline and diesel fuel types, four line LCD which displays at the same time the octane number of the analyzed sample by research and motor methods, and temperature of the sample. Cetane number and freezing temperature (as option) is displayed during the analysis of diesel fuel.

Octane Meter SX-100M has 6 modes of operation, 3 of them are general:

the base mode, for the determination of the ON of standard gasoline;
the mode for the analysis of low octane gasoline produced by blending, and also for gasoline with the 95 octane number;
for the analysis of the cetane number of diesel fuel.
Because the octane and cetane number are determined by estimation of integral content of the fuel sample, indications of Octane Meter can be different for two gasoline samples of the same type but produced by different manufacturer. For this Octane Meter SX-100M has 3 additional modes that are analogous with the first three, but are intended for making corrections by the user. At the same time the user corrected algorithm is stored in the memory of octanemeter after it is switched off.
The delivery package of Octane Meter Shatox SX-100M consists of the following components:
甲烷仪表Shatox SX-100M的投递包裹中包含以下部分:
Also Octane Meter SX-100K with port through which the instrument can be connected to a computer is developed.
同样地,通过仪器端口就可以被连接到电脑上的甲烷仪表Shatox SX-100K已经被开发出来。

The electron circuit is made from European and Japanese details. The case of Octane Meter - K and Octane Meter SX-100M is made from shock-proof and gasoline-proof polystyrene. The instrument is powered from AA batteries, and because of low voltage it is electrically safe.
电子电路由欧洲和日本详细的说明制造。甲烷仪表- K 和甲烷仪表SX-100M 的盒子由防震的和防汽油的聚苯乙烯制成。仪器的电能来源于AA电池,并且由于低电压的原因,它在电力上是安全的。

Electronic unit; 电子元件
Sensor; 传感器
Sample imitator; 样本模拟器
User manual; 使用者指南
Tool canvas bag; 工具帆布包

Advantages of octane/cetane analyzers SHATOX: 甲烷/十六烷分析器SHATOX的优点:
More comprehensive and accurate analysis of petroleum products; 对石油产品的分析更加综合、更加准确;
Accuracy of repeated measurements is 0.5 octane number unit; 重复测量的准确性为 0.5个甲烷数量单位;
Absolute error is close to one of stationary unit, and not more than 0.5 octane number unit;
Analyses gasoline with any additives, including metal knockers, ethers, amines, and others;
New powerful microchip for rapid and accurate result processing;
Displays RON, MON and Anti Knocking Index AKI (RON+MON)/2 at the same time;
同时显示研究法、动力法和抗爆指数AKI (RON+MON)/2 ;
Analyzes cetane number, diesel fuel type and freezing temperature;
WINDOWS 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP Compatible;
WINDOWS 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP都兼容;
Saves analysis results in nonvolatile RAM;
Accurate measurement correction with digital thermometer according to the temperature of the sample;
Simple in use;
Small volume of sample;
Low cost of analysis;
Compactness and portability;
Impact-resistant, solvent-resistant, tight case;
4 row LCD with backlight and resistant to low temperatures;
Battery charge indicator;
Low voltage power supply;
External power supply unit.
The instrument surpasses by its capabilities other Octane Meters because it allows to measure gasoline with any additives including metal-detonation, ether, amine, etc (except ferrocene).

Technical characteristics

Parameter description 参数描述Value
Types of controlled fuel 控制的燃料类型all types of gasoline
Range of measured octane level 测量的甲烷水平的范围40-120
Range of measured cetane level 测量的十六烷水平的范围20-100
Measurement inaccuracy of octane number 甲烷数量测量的不精确0,5
Measurement inaccuracy of cetane number 十六烷数量测量的不精确1
Data display 数据显示digital
Time of measurement, sec 测量的时间,秒below 10
Consumption current, mA 损耗电流,毫安30
Time of continuous running with one set of batteries, hour 一组电池持续运行的时间,小时100
Operation temperature range 操作温度范围-100С…+40 0С
Relative humidity, % 相关湿度,%30…..80
Atmosphere pressure, kPascal 气压,千帕64…..106
Dimension, mm: 容积,毫米
· sensor; 传感器;
· electronic module 电子组件

60 х 100
100 х 210 х 25
Weight, gr 重量,克680
Mean-time-between-failures, hour 故障间的平均时间,小时>1000


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