E5250A 低漏电开关主机
面议E5263A 2 通道 IV 分析仪 电源监测单元(大功率 SMU 和中等功率 SMU)
面议E5260A IV 分析仪 8 插槽精密型测量主机
面议B2201A 14 通道低泄漏开关主机
面议B2200A fA 级低泄漏开关主机
面议PD1500A 动态功率器件分析仪双脉冲测试仪
面议B1506A 用于电路设计的功率器件分析仪曲线追踪仪
面议PD1000A 用于*建模的功率器件测量系统
面议B2911A 精密型电源测量单元,单通道、10fA、210V、3A 直流10.5A 脉冲
面议B2902A 精密型电源测量单元,双通道、100fA、210V、3A 直流10.5A 脉冲
面议B2901A 精密型电源测量单元,单通道、100fA、210V、3A 直流10.5A 脉冲
面议B1500A 半导体器件参数分析仪半导体表征系统主机
面议The Keysight E5072A vector network analyzer, with a configurable test set, provides access to the signal paths between the internal source, receivers, bridges, and the analyzer’s test ports. The direct access improves instrument sensitivity as well as the ability to add components or peripherals for a variety of applications. The E5072A delivers new standards in versatility, speed, and accuracy, and is suitable for full performance characterization of passive and active components such as antennas, filters, and high-power amplifiers.