免费会员 生产厂家
免费会员 生产厂家
■ 低电压环形压电陶瓷安装条件
l 无腐蚀性或可燃性气体
l 较小的振动和冲击
l 无散射介质粉如铁粉,粉尘,油雾,切削液,水,盐和有机溶剂
l 无阳光直接照射和热辐射
l 无强电场/磁场
l 无脉动噪声源
l 易于检查和清理
l 用于特殊环境,如受振动,真空和高温/低温,请随时与我们。
l 产品提供“质量检验证书”。
Our products are provided with “Quality and Inspection Certificate.”
l 如果在保修期内发生任何故障,将免费提供维修服务。
If any malfunction or failure occurs with normal usage within the period, we will provide a repair service
without charge.
l 保修期以签订合同为准,从发货后开始计算。
The warranty period in the contract, after delivery from start .
l 维修服务要求客户提供相关产品型号以及产品的序列号。
Whether charged or not charged, a repair service requires product model number and the serial number
stated on each product.
l 如果出现下列项目引起的故障或缺陷则保修无效。
The warranty becomes void if the malfunction or failure is caused by any of the following items.
Improper use and handling in an inappropriate environment
External factors such as fire, natural disasters, abnormal voltage, and use of wrong power supply and/or
Alteration or repair not performed by our personnel
Handling violating the usage and cautions stated in the instruction manual.
Indirect damages arising out of the use of our product or inability to use our product.