YAMATO X射线三维扫描系统

TDM-1000YAMATO X射线三维扫描系统

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2021-09-28 09:36:04





YAMATO X射线三维扫描系统


YAMATO X射线三维扫描系统:

3D X-Ray Microscopic CT Scanner

A single system canperform collections of tomographic images, measurements andanalyses.

High spatialresolution, high contrast resolution, wide dynamic range andreliable dimensional accuracy !!

A new-generat*tem integrating an X-ray CT scanner equipped with functionsindispensable for scientific measurements and analyses, and imageprocessing software with wide and various functions.

3D X-Ray Microscopic CT Scanner TDM-1000

  • High spatial resolution: minimumpixel size of 1µm
  • High contrast resolution: It hasbrought about a revolutionary advance in differentiations ofadjacent elements and imaging of materials made of lightelements.
  • High accuracy: Images with higerreliability compensated with the highest-accuracy standard amaongX-ray CT scanners.
  • High-efficiency: Target image dataare collected at the maximum speed by scanning in multiple modesincluding standard, high-speed and high-accuracy.
  • Superb functionality: Continuousmagnification setting, sophisticated correction software andhigt-accuracy image data output finction.
  • Multiple ffunctions: Variousmeasurement and analysis function have been realized by theintegration with general-purpose software.
  • Excellent user-friendliness: Simpleand clear operation software worked out by praticaloperationa.
  • Compactified system: A retionallydesigned compact system with superb functionality and highperformance.

* Examples of imaging functions
Perspective image
Perspective image
2D CT image
2D CT image
Arbitrarily-selected multiple-section display image
Arbitrarily-selected multiple-section
display image
3D CT image
3D CT image
High-accuracy dimensional measurement image
High-accuracy dimensional
measurement image

*Examples of moving images of 3DCT
Moving image of 3D CT (BGAanalysis) –1

BGA analysis of PC board for CCD cameraof cell-phone (MPEG1 3,155KB 19sec.)
Movingimage of 3D CT (BGA analysis) –2

BGA analysis of PC board forcommunication of cell-phone (MPEG1 6,498KB 39 sec.)
Movingimage of 3D CT (Container cap)

Inward observation in the state thatclosed a cover of a food tube container (MPEG1 6,657KB 39sec)
Moving image of 3D CT (Drug analysis) –1

Inward observation of Drug (granulatedpowder capsule (MPEG1 6,628KB 39 sec)
Moving imageof 3D CT (Drug analysis) –2

Inward observation of tablet (MPEG15.983KB 39 sec)
Moving image is notstreaming-format.

* Specifications
Description Specification
Analytical sample Rotational diameter: 0.1-75mm, Height: 0.1-100mm
Weight: up to 3kg, Transmissivity: Less than 40mm asaluminum
Spatial resolition (size of a picture element) Max. 1µm down to min. 35 µm
Input data size 12 bits
Image generation speed Data collection speed
(less than XX seconds / layer)
Reconstruction speed
2D mode 3D mode
High-speed scanning 60/1024 150/100 200/100
Normal scanning 300/1024 300/100 400/100
Fine scanning 900/1024 450/100 600/100
User-programmed scanning - - -
Image matrix 256 • 512 • 1024

* Composition

Description Specification
X-ray rediation System:Air-cooling sealed micro-focus X-ray tube, Dimension of focalpoint: 5µm (at 4W)
Tube voltage: 20-100kV, Tube current: 0-250µA, Max. powerconsumption: 10W
Detector System:Image intensifier, Detecting picture element: Beryllium, Detectablesurface sixe: 100mm or 25mm, Camera: 1.45 megapixel CCD camera,Image output: 12 bits
Manipulator Four-axialautomatic drive (X-Y-Z-ø)
Computing and controlling Memory:4GB, Hard dosk: More 600GB, Monitor: 19 inches 1600 X 1200 colorLCD,Operation: JIS standard keyboad wiht an optical mouse, Imagesaving: CD, DVD, DVD recording and network transmission.
Display images: Perspective image, 2D CT image, MPR image, ROIclasses: Rectangle, ellipse, line segments, ROI measurement:Length, area, angle, maximum valure, minimum value, mean value,standard deviation, OS: Windows
3DImage processing and measuring Memory:2GB, Hard disk: More than 250GB, Monitor: 19 inches 1600 X 1200color LCD,Operation: JIS standard keyboad wiht an optical mouse,Image saving: CD, DVD, recording and network transmission.
Features: Visualization of 3D images from CT reconstructed data,measuring, production of animations, generation of polygonal dataand input / output of such data as STL files, OS: Windows
X-ray screening box Externaldimension: 1250mmW X 600mmD X 800mmH, Approx. 300kg
Externally leaked dose rate: Less than 1µSV/hr. on the surface ofthe system
Utilities Powersupply: 100VAC, 20A (3-pin plug connector X 2), Ground: Third classgrounding

上一篇:芯片原子钟的应用优势有哪些? 下一篇:用X射线探伤机电缆和电线电缆进行无损检测的重要性及应用
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