是德科技 5G 网络仿真解决方案使 5G 设备生态系统能够更快从开发阶段推进到部署阶段。这些解决方案涵盖从研发和设计验证到一致性验证、运营商验收和制造的整个设备工作流程,并使各个环节紧密衔接。平台采用以软件为中心的综合方法,并提供公共脚本编程引擎、5G 堆栈和高级分析工具,使用户可以避免整个设备生态系统以及不同团队之间的工作流程发生脱节,从而实现更经济高效的测试。平台具有高度的灵活性和控制力,可以快速创建测试用例,并通过您的分析过程获得更深刻的见解。
是德科技 5G 网络仿真解决方案以 E7515B UXM 5G 无线测试平台为基础,该平台是一个高度综合的信令测试平台,支持多种格式的堆栈,并提供强大的处理能力和丰富的射频资源。UXM 5G 支持 3GPP 第 15 版及更高版本,使用户能够在不同的 5G NR 部署模式(非独立组网(NSA)和独立组网(SA)))以及不同频段(FR1 和 FR2)下与被测设备(DUT)建立 5G 呼叫,并能够根据设备的射频特性、协议一致性和关键的功能性能指标执行信令测试。它还支持 LTE 和 C-V2X 信令格式。
UXM 5G 采用高度整合的设计,不仅可以节省实验室空间,并能独自执行更广泛的测试,包括以下功能:
- 5G NR 8CC DL 和 4 CC UL 2x2,以及 LTE 2CC
- 每个射频端口均提供高带宽
- 多项到达角测试
- 5G NR 和 LTE 格式的内部衰落
5G Wireless Test Platforms
Keysight’s 5G wireless test platforms are modular and scalable, enabling testing via a range of methods and frequencies. They comprise the following key building blocks:
- E7515B UXM 5G Wireless Test Platform
- The world’s most powerful and integrated 5G network emulator
- Simultaneous support for multiple radio access technologies in a single unit, minimizing the system size and footprint
- Supports 5G NR in both non-standalone (NSA) and standalone (SA) modes
- Supports LTE either standalone, as the anchor for 5G NSA modes, or for inter-RAT testing
- Supports 3G for inter-RAT testing
- 380MHz to 6GHz frequency range, with 8 Tx + 4 Rx RF ports
- Scalable bandwidth 8Tx/4Rx @800MHz, 4Tx/2Rx @1600MHz
- Integrated BBIQ interface
- Internal PC and touch-screen interface enabling benchtop usage via test applications
- Supports baseband fading for advanced performance testing
- E7770A Common Interface Unit
- Supports high IF (6-12 GHz) conducted connections by upconverting the UXM 5G RF output
- Provides the Local Oscillators, Power and Control to the M1740A mmWave transceivers
- Supports up to 8x M1740A mmWave transceivers, for multiple angle-of-arrival (AoA) testing
- M1740A mmWave Transceiver for 5G
- Supports 28, 39 and 40 GHz bands in a single compact, bi-directional unit
- Mounted on the OTA test chamber to minimize RF path loss
See the links below for further details about each of these instruments.