该传感器 Cube 测量导电率。 该传感器是为应用于在线分析系统(型号:8905)的流体 Backplane 上而设计的。 导电率给出了溶于水中的材料的浓度信息。测量值是恒定水质的指标,但若该测量值发生急剧的变化,同样也说明水质变差。同样地,测量值下降或者上升时也需加以重视,因为它是特殊处理步骤给出信息反馈的指标。导电率传感器 Cube 含有一个双电极工位。 须通过系统中的 Backplane 建立电气和流体连接。该传感器 Cube 通过 büS 与系统进行通信,借此在线分析系统可实现全自动化信息通报。 若将传感器嵌入系统中,它将被列入 büS 参与者列表中,而且可以根据客户要求作出进一步的调整。
1)兼容于 büS 系统和诸多其他的传感器 Cube
3)热插拔功能允许在运行期间更换传感器 Cube
Type Description
The device is a conductivity measurement sensor. It is used within the Online Analysis System Type 8905 by being plugged into a spare fluidic backplane slot. The conductivity of water follows in general the content of dissolved substances in the water. Not only the absolute value at each moment is an indicator for the continuity of the water quality, but quick changes in the conductivity may indicate unwanted change in the water. A rising or falling value can also be used as an indicator for process feedback in specific treatment steps. The device contains a 2-electrode sensor for resistive measurement of conductivity. The electrical and fluidic connections are made via the connection panel of the system. The sensor cube is communicating via büS, so the recognition at the Online Analysis System is fully automatic. When plugging into a system you will find the sensor in the list of büS members for further customized adjustments.
1)Fully compatible with büS systems and a wide range
2)Resistive 2-electrode sensor
3)Modular sensor cube for hot swap (exchange during operation)
4)Minimal sample water flow needed