电导率传感器是一个带有集成式电导率电极的紧凑型结构,所述电有不同的类型。四种不同的、具有不同单元常数的电导率传感器,能够覆盖一个较宽的测量范围。标准型传感器单元中集成安装有一个用于自动补偿温度的 pt1000。这种传感器会提供一个模拟信号,供货时带有符合 EN175301- 803 的标准插头。该传感器必须连接在 8225 型 Bürkert 电导率传送器或 8619 型传送器/控制器 multiCELL 上。为了连接,设置了一个 4x1.5 mm² 的屏蔽电缆(电缆长度: 10 m)电导率传感器安装在一个 S020 型 InsertION 接头中,这种类型具有不同的材料(详细说明包含在 S020 的数据页中)。应用于储罐和容器时,需要一种延长的结构以及一个浸入式配件。
紧凑型结构,适合 DN15 至 DN200
Type Description
The conductivity sensor is a compact probe with integrated conductivity electrodes. Four conductivity probes having different cell constants are available and offer a large measurement range. The Pt1000 for automatic temperature compensation is integrated in the sensor housing. The sensor transmits directly a raw signal and is fitted with a standard EN 175301-803 plug connector. The sensor has to be connected to the Bürkert transmitter/ controller Type 8619 multiCELL via a 4x1.5 mm2 shielded cable (maximal cable length of 10 m). The conductivity sensor can be installed into a pipe by using INSERTION fitting Type S020 which is available in different materials (details see data sheet Type S020). In its longer version it can also be installed in tanks or containers by using an industrial immersion fitting.
1)Compact version for DN15 to DN200
2)Large capabilities of conductivity measurement through different cells
3)Large range of process connections with various fittings
426872 8220-BC89-PDFF-C1-A-F1-L-000/00-0
426873 8220-BC89-PDFF-C2-A-F1-L-000/00-0
426874 8220-BC89-PDFF-C3-A-F1-L-000/00-0
426875 8220-BC89-PDFF-C4-A-F1-L-000/00-0
437615 8220-0000-PC00-00-0-00-L-000/00-0 * ML01
437617 8220-0000-PC00-00-0-00-L-000/00-0 * ML05
437618 8220-0000-PC00-00-0-00-L-000/00-0 * ML06