Face Mask Synthetic Blood Penetrability Tester

AG-6955Face Mask Synthetic Blood Penetrability Tester

参考价: 面议

2021-07-16 13:12:53





A. OverviewThe face mask synthetic blood penetrability tester is used to determine the resistance of medical protective masks to the penetration of synthetic blood under different test pressures.


A. Overview

Theface mask synthetic blood penetrability tester is used to determine theresistance of medical protective masks to the penetration of synthetic bloodunder different test pressures.

B. Testing Principles:

Spraya certain amount of synthetic blood on the one side of the mask in a horizontaldirection at a certain pressure and distance, and observe the penetration ofsynthetic blood on the other side of the mask.

C. Applicable Standards:

GB/T19083-2010:Technical requirements for protective face mask for medical use

YY0469-2011:Surgical mask

YY/T0691-2008: Clothing for protection against infectious agents - medical facemasks - test method for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood

D. Technical Parameters

1.     SprayDistance: 300mm~305mm adjustable

2.     NozzleDiameter: 0.84mm

3.     SpraySpeed: 450cm/s, 550cm/s, 635cm/s

4.     SprayPressure: 10.6 kPa (80 mmHg), 16 kPa (120 mmHg), 21.3 kPa (160 mmHg)

5.     PowerSupply: 220V 50Hz

6.     AmbientTemperature: 10-35℃

7.     RelativeHumidity: 20—90%RH (nice ventilation conditions are required)

8.     AirPressure: 0.6MPA

E. Features:

1.     Theconvex fixture can simulate the actual use condition of the face mask, leavinga test target area for spraying synthetic blood without destroying the sample.

2.     Thespecialized constant pressure spray device can spray a certain volume ofsynthetic blood in a given time.

3.     Itcan fully simulate the spray speed corresponding to the average blood pressureof the human body 10.6kPa, 16kPa, and 21.3kPa for testing.

4.     Thetester is equipped with a fixed target plate, which can block the high-pressureedge part of the sprayed flow that increases the accuracy and repeatability ofthe liquid sprayed on the sample.

F. Components:

1.     Airpressure control system (1 Set)

2.     Facemask installation fixture (1 Set)

3.     SplashProof glass cover (1 Set)

上一篇:电流传感器在空调应用霍尔效应原理 下一篇:1000vdc直流塑壳断路器:保障直流电路安全稳定的关键
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