

来源: 天津天蝶阀门有限公司

2018/7/25 10:27:42 1887




The development history of valve electric device and the composition of valve electric device are briefly introduced


Since 1929, LIMITORQUE has produced the world's first valve electric device, the valve electric device has been developed rapidly the construction and the electric device are regarded as the same kind of products, which are respectively applied to the closed loop control system and the open-loop control system. Valve electric device in the domestic electric power, metallurgy, petrochemical, sewage treatment and municipal and other industries have been applied.Compared with other valve drive devices, electric drive device has a wide range of power sources, rapid operation, convenience, and easy to meet various control requirements.Therefore, in the valve drive, electric devices dominate.


The user's needs are diverse, there is hope with control, with wireless remote control, with state display, with bus communications.The work-ing conditions on site vary widely, such as long-term diving, anti-radiation, anti-vibration, high temperature, corrosion resistance, explosion-proof and so on.On the whole, the development of the valve electric device is developing in two directions, that is, high intelligence and high reliability according to the user's demand and work-ing condition:


First, with the rapid development of power electronic technology, computer technology and communication technology, MCU and new high speed microprocessor are the main substitutes for analog electronic devices valve electric device control unit, valve electric device is moving in the direction of rapid development of high intelligence, more and more powerful.It is more and more convenient to operate and control for general work-ing conditions.


Second, in order to adapt to the harsh work-ing conditions of special industries, these occasions often do not have high requirements for the self-control of valve electric devices.But special emphasis on high reliability, through the special mechanical structure design and material selection, after rigorous test tests, so that the valve electric device is moving toward high reliability direction. 


Electric valves are generally selected by the professional water supply and drainage, water supply and drainage professional and technical personnel in the engineering design of the electric device to the valve to put forward specific functional requirements, and by the professional manufacturers of electric devices selection.However, in the practical engineering, there is often a mismatch between the electric drive of the valve and the control system when it is installed on the site. This is usually due to unreasonable or imperfect aspects in determining the functional requirements of an electric device.


The stroke control mechanism is used for adjusting and accurately controlling the opening and closing position of the valve;a torque limiting mechanism for adjusting the torque (or thrust) so that it does not exceed a predetermined value;manual, electric switching mechanism, manual or electric operation of the interlock mechanism;the opening indicator is used to show the position of the valve in the opening and closing process. The stroke control mechanism, the torque limiting mechanism, the manual, the electric switching mechanism and the opening indicator are collectively referred to as electric actuators. 



