
PTC255 / PTC255i便携式多功能温度检定炉

参考价: 面议

2023-07-31 07:29:32





The calibrators of the Premium TC series are characterised by their unparalleled performance and outstanding ease of operation. By means of the intuitive menu structure, all necessary inputs can be ma......


Premium TCs

The calibrators of the Premium TC series are characterised by their unparalleled performance and outstanding ease of operation. By means of the intuitive menu structure, all necessary inputs can be made quickly and easily. The large touch screen has plenty of room to display the reference, target and devices under test temperatures. At the end of a calibration process, the Premium TC provides the complete calibration certificate. The continuously growing bandwidth of supported temperature ranges supports an increasing number of temperature sensors on the market. They can be calibrated with a resolution of up to 0.001°C / K and thus meet the highest requirements, e.g. of the food and pharmaceuticals industry.

PTC255 & PTC255i highlights

• Patented control technology - Fastest stabilisation times on the market - Time savings of up to 50 %

• Four functions in one calibrator (dry block / calibration bath / infrared / surface)

• Large calibration volume / large calibration insert for simultaneous calibration of many devices under test

• Patented touch screen function for simple and convenient operation

• Automatic generation of the calibration certificate

• Optional as pharmaceutical and food industry version with stainless steel housing

• Accessories: device under test management with barcode scanner

• Available with integrated measuring instrument g PTC255i

Druck temperature calibrators

Druck temperature calibrators are used for the verification of the functionality and calibration of temperature measuring devices and temperature sensors with a special focus on long-term reliability and utmost accuracy in combination with easy operation. Every Druck temperature calibrator is meticulously tested for accuracy and stability. This is attested by our standard calibration certificate, which we issue with every temperature calibrator, or by means of an optional ISO 17025 calibration certificate. This is to guarantee that you receive a perfect product which can be traced back to national and international temperature measurement standards.


Four functions in one temperature calibrator

• Covering all calibration tasks with only one model:

Dry block, infrared and surface calibration as well as calibration by means of a calibration bath

→ Cost savings due to a reduction in the number of versions required

• Quick and easy change between the calibration functions

• Additional calibration functions for your application

Dry block for aseptic sensors

Air Shield Insert for the best measurement uncertainties

Different media for liquid calibration

Temperature control with ultra high speed (UHS) controller

• Temperature regulator with model-based state control

• Special regulation algorithm based on knowledge and experience from space travel

• Unique temperature stability of < 0.001 °C / K

• Anticipatory activation of the heating and cooling elements

The settling time to the target temperature is reduced by approx. 90% at each calibration point

Time savings of up to 50% with each calibration process

Air shield insert

• Patented dry block version with optimum radial and axial temperature distribution

• Automatic centring of the air shield insert in the block

User errors due to jiggling or twisting are excluded


Druck OS with touch screen

• Simple operation of the temperature calibrator via the integrated 7“ touch screen

Intuitive operation of the calibration functions

Management of calibration data directly on the calibrator

• Clear display

All important information at a glance

• Completely paperless calibration

Value calculation and transmission errors are excluded

• Glass surface made of multi-panel safety glass

Extremely robust against damage

Easy cleaning of the surface

Suitable for use in the food industry

Automatic calibration with camera

In calibration processes for devices under test with their own temperature display, the display of the DUT must be read for each calibration point. The read value is transferred by the user to the calibrator or the calibration certificate, and the subsequent calibration point is only approached after a manual acknowledgement. For this purpose, the user must return to the calibrator at each

calibration point. In some cases, this can lead to long delays if the user carries out other tasks in between. With our automatic calibration with a camera, these timeintensive intermediate steps are no longer needed:

• The patented camera system automatically creates a recording of the DUT display at each calibration point. The subsequent calibration point is approached directly afterwards

No user interaction is required during the calibration process, as it is implemented automatically

All test points are approached without waiting times

• Upon completion of the entire calibration process, the user transmits the data of the created display records to the calibrator or calibration certificate

During the entire calibration process, the user is free to carry out other tasks

• The visual records of the device under test display at each calibration point are saved and attached to the calibration certificate as verification

上一篇:焓差实验室-热回收新风机组交换效率、能效系数和能量回收比试验 下一篇:实验室烘箱操作注意事项
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