WayneKerr  3260B 稳科 精密的磁性元件分析仪

WayneKerr 3260B 稳科 精密的磁性元件分析仪

参考价: 面议

2022-07-06 15:46:23





3260B 是现今,密的磁性元件分析仪. 它的设计符合现今所有线圈产品所需要的测试功能, 不论是单一电感或是变压器, 3260B都能满足您的测试需求3260B 不但提供高频宽测试频率, 通讯压器所需之量测, 图形扫描零件特性, 高速生产线上测试, 及可配合大偏压电流测试.最重要是它拥有精密准确及稳定量测性能.



•频率范围 (20Hz - 3MHz)
•0.1% 基本量测精确度
•DC Bias(直流偏压) 可到125A(Option)
•涵盖各式测量参数 - 包含 Z(阻抗), L(电感), C(电容), Rac(交流电阻), Phase(相位), Q(品质

因素), D(损耗因素), Rdc(直流电阻) 及 圈数比.


3260B 是现今,密的磁性元件分析仪. 它的设计符合现今所有线圈产品所需要的测试功

能, 不论是单一电感或是变压器, 3260B都能满足您的测试需求
3260B 不但提供高频宽测试频率, 通讯压器所需之量测, 图形扫描零件特性, 高速生产线上测试,


Component tests up to 125 A DC bias current

To evaluate components at high currents the 3265B/25A DC Bias Units may be used with either the Wayne Kerr 3255B Inductance Analyzer or the 3260B Precision Magnetics Analyzer. Bias current may be set from 25mA to 25A in steps of 25mA. These units may not be used with a 3255BL.

Additional DC Bias Units can be added in parallel such that with five units connected in parallel it is possible to set bias currents up to a maximum of 125 A DC. For extended frequency, up to 3 MHz, 50A is available when two 3265BQs are used.

5A, 10A and 20A models are available which may be connected in parallel to give up to five times the maximum rated DC bias current.

The instruments have a number of safety and protection features including a safety interlock system to protect the user against back EMFs. It is also fully protected against over temperature, excess voltage drop and sense lead failure.

SMD inductor tests up to 50 A

With the addition of the 1009 DC Bias Fixture DC bias currents up to 50 A can be applied to an SMD inductor during component test in order to evaluate the devices thoroughly at the operational bias currents.

The fixture operates with either one or two 3265B Wayne Kerr DC bias units and a 3260B Precision Magnetics Analyzer. The optional 1009 50A lead set, 5-328-2005, will be required if two 3265B/25As are used.

Four rear panel mounted BNC connectors and two captive high current cables ensure simplicity and ease of use with the 3265B.

Interchangeable component test carriers ensure that the 1009 DC Bias Fixture may be used with a wide variety of devices. If a device package is not supported by one of the standard carriers then a custom carrier design service is available.

上一篇:阻抗分析仪支持数据导出,便于后续分析和报告编写 下一篇:阻抗分析仪在电力电子中的应用
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