同惠电子TH2851-015、TH2851-030、TH2851-050、TH2851-080、TH2851-130 精密阻抗分析仪
面议IWATSU SY-962岩崎SY-8218 B-H分析仪软磁直流偏置DC-bias测试电源
面议IWATSU SY-8218\SY-8219 岩崎软磁交流B-H磁芯损耗POWER LOSS分析仪
面议IWATSU SY-8232/SY8258 岩崎软磁性材料交流BH饱和BS及损耗分析仪-停产
面议IWATSU SY-320A/321A 岩崎SY-8218 B-H分析仪磁芯高低温测试系统
面议NF ZM2371/2372/2376回路设计5.5MHZ 高频LCR表
面议NF ZM2371/2372/2376 ALC(自动电平控制)100KHZ LCR表 日本回路设计
面议LA 19-13-02 矢量网络分析仪 3GHZ Vector Network Analyser
面议LA 19-13-03矢量网络分析仪 Techniques
面议LA 19-15-03 矢量网络分析仪 Synthesizer Modules
面议LA 32-04-10 矢量网络分析仪 矢网驱动放大器
面议LA 19-01-02 12 Gb/s 矢量网络分析仪 Pulse Pattern Generators
面议产品名称:CV Analyzer 产品型号:吉时利590 厂商名称:吉时利-Keithley 产品简述: CV AnalyzerThe Keithley Model 590 CV Analyzer measures capacitance versus voltage (C-V) and capacitance versus time (C-t) characteristics of semiconductor devices. Unlike other capacitance measurement instruments, the Model 590 has been tailored to the requirements of semiconductor device testing. High frequency (100kHz or 1MHz) CV measurements are commonly applied to test p-n or schottky junction and Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor (MIS) devices for device characterization and process control. CV results are highly correlated with performance parameters of functional devices such as FETs, memory cells, CCDs, and isolation structures. Keithley 590 Features: