


热烈祝贺北京百奥创新科技有限公司获得Aeonian Biotech中国区代理

时间:2023-08-04      阅读:295

Aeonian Biotech,一家荷兰的生物技术公司,以抗体的研发、生产、销售和服务为主营业务。Aeonian Biotech的使命是消除因免疫试剂特性差、不稳定、性能不一致或不再可用而造成的研发费用浪费。在针对任何一种特定蛋白质/生物标志物的大量市售抗体中,Aeonian Biotech确定了少数符合最高质量标准的抗体。
Aeonian Biotech中国区代理——北京百奥创新科技有限公司,全线代理Aeonian Biotech产品:

Aeonian Biotech部分产品目录:

ACP5 Recombinant Antibody AE00100AE00100Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rACP5/1070 to human ACP5
ACPP Recombinant Antibody AE00101AE00101Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rACPP/1338 to human ACPP
AIF1 Recombinant Antibody AE00102AE00102Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rAIF1/1909 to human AIF1
BCL2 Recombinant Antibody AE00103AE00103Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rBCL2/782 to human BCL2
BCL2 Recombinant Antibody AE00104AE00104Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rBCL2/796 to human BCL2
BCL2 Recombinant Antibody AE00105AE00105Selective and specific rabbit recombinant monoclonal antibody clone BCL2/2210R to human BCL2
CD79a Recombinant Antibody AE00108AE00108Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rIGA/764 to human CD79a
CD79a Recombinant Antibody AE00109AE00109Selective and specific rabbit recombinant antibody clone IGA/1790R to human CD79a
CDH1 Recombinant Antibody AE00110AE00110Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rCDH1/1525 to human CDH1
CHGA Recombinant Antibody AE00111AE00111Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rCHGA/798 to human CHGA
CHGA Recombinant Antibody AE00112AE00112Selective and specific rabbit recombinant antibody clone CHGA/1731R to human CHGA
CTNNB1 Recombinant Antibody AE00113AE00113Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rCTNNB1/2173 to human CTNNB1
CTNNB1 Recombinant Antibody AE00114AE00114Selective and specific rabbit recombinant antibody clone CTNNB1/2030R to human CTNNB1
IGKC Recombinant Antibody AE00115AE00115Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rKLC264 to human IGKC
IGKC Recombinant Antibody AE00116AE00116Selective and specific rabbit recombinant monoclonal antibody clone IGKC/1999R to human IGKC
IGHG4 Recombinant Antibody AE00117AE00117Selective and specific rabbit recombinant monoclonal antibody clone IGHG4/2042R to human IGHG4
MyoD1 Recombinant Antibody AE00118AE00118Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rMYD712 to human MyoD1
MyoD1 Recombinant Antibody AE00119AE00119Selective and specific rabbit recombinant antibody clone MYOD1/2075R to human MyoD1
NGFR Recombinant Antibody AE00121AE00121Selective and specific rabbit recombinant monoclonal antibody clone NGFR/1997R to human NGFR
THBD Recombinant Antibody AE00122AE00122Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rTHBD/1591 to human THBD
TP53 Recombinant Antibody AE00123AE00123Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rTP53/1739 to human TP53
TP53 Recombinant Antibody AE00124AE00124Selective and specific rabbit recombinant antibody clone TP53/2092R to human TP53
UCHL1 Recombinant Antibody AE00125AE00125Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rUCHL1/775 to human UCHL1
WT1 Recombinant Antibody AE00126AE00126Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rWT1/857 to human WT1
Pan-IgG Recombinant Antibody AE00127AE00127Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rIG266 to human pan-IgG
CD1a Recombinant Antibody AE00128AE00128Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rC1A/711 to human CD1a
CD8a Recombinant Antibody AE00129AE00129Selective and specific mouse recombinant antibody clone rC8/468 to human CD8a
AKT1 Monoclonal Antibody AE00130AE00130Selective and specific mouse monoclonal antibody clone AKT1/2552 to human AKT1
Albumin Monoclonal Antibody AE00131AE00131Selective and specific mouse monoclonal antibody clone ALB/2144 to human ALB
CANX Monoclonal Antibody AE00132AE00132Selective and specific mouse monoclonal antibody clone CANX/1543 to human CANX
Cyclin E1 Monoclonal Antibody AE00133AE00133Selective and specific mouse monoclonal antibody clone CCNE1/2460 to human Cyclin E1

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上一篇:热烈祝贺北京百奥创新科技有限公司获得Ichorbio中国区代理 下一篇:Cell Signaling Technology (CST) 抗体的介绍
