MiniTest FH系列瓶壁测厚仪
时间:2022-10-20 阅读:188
MiniTest FH系列瓶壁测厚仪
--MiniTest 7200FH/MiniTest 7400FH
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MiniTest FH Series Precision Magnetic Thickness Gauge
The FH-Serie models: FH-7200 and FH-7400 are portable thickness measuring devices that are capable to measure precisely materials with a thickness up to 24 mm. Their small size and portability makes them ideal to be used in production areas and quality laboratories. With the FH Serie models accurate thickness measurements can be done on all types of non-ferrous products, regardless of their size, shape, and material.
The FH-7200 and FH-7400 are ideal for applications where accurate measurement of sharp corners, small radiuses and/or complex shapes are required.
The two Models available in this serie
FH-7200 offers measurement capabilities including real-time thickness measurement, display of minimum & maximum readings, an offset mode, and automatic storage of up to 100,000 values.
FH-7400 this model has the same capabilities as the MiniTest 7200 FH but with extra features: statistical graphing, real time trend, data base with up to 200 batches and increased automatic storage of up to 240.000 values. e.g. 1200 per batch.
There are five probes available
FH4 Standard Probe (Measuring range 0 - 6mm / calibration curves for ball sizes 1.5mm, 2.5mm, 4mm)
FH4-1MM Probe (Measuring range 0 - 6mm / same as standard FH4 probe with additional 1mm ball calibration curve for very small concave surfaces)
FH4-M Probe (Measuring range 0 - 9mm / same as standard FH4 but also suitable for magnetic balls to extend measuring range to 9mm)
FH10 Standard Probe (Measuring range 0 - 13mm / calibration curves for balls sizes 2.5mm, 4mm, 6mm, 9mm)
FH10-M Standard Probe (Measuring range 0 - 24mm / same as standard FH10 but also suitable for magnetic balls to extend measuring range to 24mm)
MiniTest 7200 FH/MiniTest 7400 FH是便携式的厚度测量 工具,可准确测量厚达24 mm 的材料。便携而小巧的外形使 其可在生产现场和实验室进行 操作。两个型号可以再各种非 磁性材料上 进行简单、无损和 高精度的厚度测量,无论它们 的大小、形状和材质如何。 它们是测量尖角、小半径 和复杂形状工件所需的理想工 具。
MiniTest 7200 FH 可显示当 前测量值,zui大zui小值,偏移 模式,并自动存储高达100,000 个数据。
势图,高达 200个批组的数据 库,并且存储量增至自动存储 高达240,000个数据,如每组 1,200 个数据。
SIDSP® 技术 确保更高精度
MiniTest 7200 FH/MiniTest 7400 FH 采用了内置传感器数 字信号处理功能(SIDSP®). 所 有测量信号在传感器内数字化 生成、*数字化处理。仅处 理完毕的数值才会传输到主机 进行显示、统计分析和储存。
为达到zui大限度的读值, 特提供两种可选探头,探头易 更换且顶端加硬,使用各种规 格钢珠可以覆盖不同厚度范 围。FH 4 探头使用普通钢珠
FH 10 探头使用普通钢珠测量 范围从 0 到 13 mm 而使用磁 性钢珠可测量高达24 mm。两 种型号的探头可以互换,并且 可以连接两种主机型号。
MiniTest 7400 FH/MiniTest 7200 FH使用特别处理的参考钢 珠。钢珠这样设计的结果可提高 测量重现性达到的0.5%。参 考钢珠的尺寸有1mm、 1.5mm、2.5mm、4.0 mm(FH 4),和2.5mm、4 mm、6mm 和9mm (FH 10)。测量范围也 可以通过磁性钢珠进行扩展,以 便测量非常厚的壁厚,诸如铝或 者钛制成的发动机部件,或非常 厚的塑料制品。
MiniTest 7200 FH/MiniTest 7400 FH由易懂的菜单控制 操作,并进行数据归档, 和普通电脑的应用程序类 似。全程提供操作帮助,有上 下文关联的帮助主题。
参考钢珠有一个特殊的涂层处理和尺寸精 度以获得读数的zui大限度重现性。