003984CTC 气相液相自动进样针-光谱部件及外设

003984003984CTC 气相液相自动进样针-光谱部件及外设

参考价: 面议

2023-10-05 12:48:17





003984CTC 气相液相自动进样针强大的样品前处理与自动进样平台,适合各主要品牌的 GC/GC-MS 产品。可选配多种功能模块( 顶空、液体、SPME、ITEX、稀释、衍生化等),实现样品前处理步骤编程控制。无论是精确无残留的精密分析,大批样品高通量处理,还是开发新的复杂处理工艺,Combi-xt PAL 都是您的得力助手。


 003984CTC 气相液相自动进样针

COMBI-xt PAL 气相色谱多功能自动进样器暨样品前处理系统

强大的样品前处理与自动进样平台,适合各主要品牌的 GC/GC-MS 产品。可选配多种功能模块( 顶空、液体、SPME、ITEX、稀释、衍生化等),实现样品前处理步骤编程控制。无论是精确无残留的精密分析,大批样品高通量处理,还是开发新的复杂处理工艺,Combi-xt PAL 都是您的得力助手。


 003984CTC 气相液相自动进样针

◇ Liquid 液体进样
◇ Headspace 顶空进样

◇ MHE 多次顶空
◇ FlowCell 在线取样
◇ Dilutor 稀释/馏分收集

样品富集 /前处理功能模块:
◇ SPME 固相微萃取(Solid Phase Micro Extraction)
◇ ITEX-2 微管捕集 ((In-tube extraction and direct thermal desorption)
◇ SPDE 固相动态萃取 (Solid Phase Dynamic Extraction)
◇ Thermal Desorption 热脱附

◇ XYZ 三维精确定位
◇ 灵活的模块化设计
◇ 不同功能模块快速切换
◇ 强大的多功能前处理平台
◇ 挂顶式设计节省空间
◇ 超高耐用性设计
◇ 适合任何品牌的气相色谱
◇ 适合任何GC/GC-MS 工作站

◇ 1ml、2ml 、10ml、 20ml 样品瓶
◇ 标准样品板54、96、384位
◇ 控温样品槽 /制冷或者加热功能
◇ 支持自定义其它样品类型

PAL提供了丰富的自定义可能性,无论是样品容器类型,进 样方式,还是样品前处理,是*可以如此灵活定制
 主机提供了一个手持终端,可以控制PAL的硬件设置、运行 参数。当然,您也可以通过PAL的操纵软件,及第三方软件
 如Agilent Chemstation等色谱工作站软件来操作。
Agilent 5890 / 6850 / 6890  /7890
 ThermoFinnigan Trace 2000 / GC 8000 top 
 Varian GC 3400 / 3600 / 3800 / 3900 
 Shimadzu GC 14 / 17 / 2010 
 Perkin Elmer Autosystem XL / Clarus 500 
 GL Sciences GC4000
Agilent ChemStation 
 DataApex Clarity 
 Dionex Chromeleon 
 Justice Software Chromperfect 
 Leco ChromaTOF 
 Shimadzu GCMSsolution 
 ThermoFinnigan Xcalibur 
 Varian Star 
 Varian Galaxie 
 Waters Masslynx

◆ X Y Z三轴机械手臂进样系统,采用步进式马达,0.10毫米/步。
◆ CombiPAL包含液体进样模式、静态式顶空进样模式,模式切换简单方便。
◆ 进样针容量:液体进样模式标配10微升(可选1.2微升 - 500微升)
 顶空进样模式标配2.5毫升(可选 1.0毫升-5.0毫升)
◆ 注射速度:液体进样模式0.01微升/秒~250微升/秒, 顶空进样模式0.01微升/秒~5毫升/秒
◆ 样品承载量:
 可达 600位 1毫升微量瓶
294位 2毫升标准瓶
96位 10毫升或20毫升顶空进样瓶
4盘 深度型微孔盘(96孔或384孔)
6盘 标准型微孔盘(96孔或384孔)
◆ 注射针清洗:注射针洗针站有2种溶剂可供选择。
◆ 可以配备条形码读入器,自动辨识样品。
◆ CombiPAL作为CTC提供的手臂平台基础,具有较强的扩充性能,可以升级SPME(固相为萃取)、SPDE(固相动态萃取)、ITEX(吸附管内捕集)、TDAS(热脱附)、在线取样等功能。而且模块之间的切换简单方便。
◆ 与进口一线主流GC、GC/MS软硬件兼容。

Combi PAL是目前世界上的多功能进样系统,它可以使您的GC、GC/MS具有更强的功能,它包含以下特点:
◆ 静态式顶空进样、液体进样、固相为萃取进样,多功能合一,既节省成本又可实现较多功能。
◆ GC挂顶式设计,节省昂贵的桌面空间。
◆ CombiPAL实现仅注射针移动来进行样品输送,无须样品回路、输送线或切换阀门。
◆ 遥控式操作软件,可依客户前处理及进样方式量身定制控制程式
◆ 主流GC、GC/MS厂牌软硬件兼容。


Combi PAL 气相色谱多功能自动进样器,适合各主要品牌的GC/GC MS产品。可选配多种功能模块(顶空/液体/SPME/微阱捕集/稀释/衍生化等) ,实现样品前处理步骤编程控制。无论您需要的是精确无残留的精密分析,大批样品高通量处理,还是开发新的复杂处理工艺,Combi PAL都是您的得力助手。

Combi PAL 含样品前处理多功能全自动进样器,操作简单而直观,满足客户对速度和精确度的要求。可以在一台气相色谱或气质联用仪器上实现多种应用。静态式顶空进样、液体进样、固相微萃取进样,多功能合一,既节省成本又可实现较多功能。 
 基本模块 液体进样 
 基本模块 静态式顶空进样 
 基本模块 SPME (Solid Phase Micro Extraction 全自动固相微萃取) 
扩展模块 SPDE (Solid Phase Dynamic Extraction 萃取针寿命>1500次,高效动态全自动固相微萃取) 
扩展模块 ITEX 微阱捕集 (In-Tube Extraction吸附管内捕集,应用Tenex 或Carbon Sieve为吸附相) ,一种比吹扫捕集更有效率的VOC、VOCs样品浓缩-顶空进样技术
 扩展模块 TDAS (The Thermal Desorption Autosampler 热脱附) 
扩展模块 Flow cell(在线取样) 
 几乎所有主流GC/GC MS系统都兼容 
 环保行业: 水/土壤/空气样品 
香精香料工业: 香型,香味物质,异味的研究 

PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description   Combi-xt  GC-xt

Syringe Kits    3

Syringes and Syringe Plungers  4 - 5

Trays, Traysets and Stacks  5 - 6

Thermostatted Trayholders  6 - 7

PAL Dilutor     8

FlowCell, Washstations and Consumables   9 - 10

SPME Options    10


ITEX-2, Headspace and xt- Upgrade Kits  11

GC Mounting Kits and MHE Tool  12

PAL Exchange Option    12

Barcode Reader     13

Software, IQ/OQ Protocols and Tools  13



  Important notice:

  If not specifically mentioned all options and accessories are also available for previous




PAL Accessory   Part Number  Description

CTC Analytics does not supply sample vials, caps and seals for PAL Systems.

CTC refers to the following companies, who distribute certified and approved PAL consumables. The local distributors can be found on the corresponding websites.  Combi-xt  GC-xt


CTC Analytics

Where design meets performance North America only

Microliter Analytical Supplies

P.O. Box 808

3680 Burnette Park Dr. Suite# C

Suwanee, GA 30024 USA



:  microliter@aol.com

Web: www.microliter。。com

CTC Analytics AG Switzerland info@ctc.ch www.palsystem。。com  



PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description  Combi-xt  GC-xt

Syringe Kits Liquid Version


  Kit GC Syringe 1.2μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt

1 pc   syringe adapter and plunger holder

2 pcs  syringe SYRC L1.2-26P-AS

(plunger in needle design, needle OD 0.50 mm) ?  ?

  PAL SyrGC5μl


  Kit GC Syringe 5μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt

1 pc  syringe adapter and plunger holder

2 pcs syringe SYRC L5-26S-AS ?  ?

  PAL SyrGC10μl

 Kit GC Syringe 10μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt 1 pc syringe adapter and plunger holder

2 pcs syringe SYRC L10-26S-AS ?  ?

  PAL SyrGC10μl-G 

   Kit GC Syringe 10μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt 

1 pc syringe adapter and plunger holder

2 pcs syringe SYRC G10-26S-AS ?  ?



  PAL SyrGC25μl


  Kit GC Syringe 25μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt

1 pc syringe adapter and plunger holder

2 pcs syringe SYRC G25-26S-AS ?  ?

 PAL SyrGC100μl

 Kit GC Syringe 100μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt

1 pc syringe adapter and plunger holder

2 pcs syringe SYRC G100-26S-AS ?  ?



  PAL SyrGC250μl


  Kit GC Syringe 250μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt

1 pc syringe adapter and plunger holder

2 pcs syringe SYRC G250-26-AS ?  ?



  PAL SyrGC500μl


  Kit GC Syringe 500μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt

1 pc syringe adapter and plunger holder

2 pcs Syringe SYRC G500-26-AS ?  ?

Syringe Kits Headspace Version  PAL SyrHS1.0ml  Kit HS Syringe 1.0ml for PAL Combi-xt  ? 

    1 pc syringe heater

1 pc plunger holder

2 pcs syringe SYRC HS1.0-23-5

  PAL SyrHS2.5ml  Kit HS Syringe 2.5ml for PAL Combi-xt  ? 

 1 pc syringe heater

1 pc plunger holder

2 pcs syringe SYRC HS2.5-23-5

  PAL SyrHS5.0ml  Kit HS Syringe 5.0ml for PAL Combi-xt  ? 

    1 pc syringe heater

1 pc plunger holder

2 pcs syringe SYRC HS5.0-23-5



PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description  Combi-xt  GC-xt

Syringes Liquid Version

  SYRC L1.2-26P-AS

  Liquid syringe 1.2μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 26P, pointstyle AS ?  ?


  SYRC L5-26S-AS

  Liquid syringe 5μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 26S, pointstyle AS ?  ?


  SYRC L10-26S-AS

  Liquid syringe 10μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 26S, pointstyle AS ?  ?

  SYRC L10-26S-2

  Liquid syringe 10μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 26S, pointstyle 2 ?  ?


  SYRC G10-26S-AS 

  Liquid syringe 10μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 26S, pointstyle AS ?  ?


  SYRC L10-23S-AS 

  Liquid syringe 10μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 23S, pointstyle AS ?  ?


  SYRC G25-26S-AS

  Liquid syringe 25μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 26S, pointstyle AS ?  ?


  SYRC G100-26S-AS

  Liquid syringe 100μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 26S, pointstyle AS ?  ?


  SYRC G250-26-AS

  Liquid syringe 250μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 26, pointstyle AS ?  ?


  SYRC G500-26-AS

  Liquid syringe 500μl for PAL Combi-xt or PAL GC-xt fixed needle gauge 26, pointstyle AS ?  ?




  SYRSGE L10-23S-AS   



  Liquid syringe SGE 10 μl, 0.63 OD, Gauge 23, diameter 6.5, fixed needle – 50mm cone tip

dark orange coloured ?  ?





  SYRSGE L10-26S-2     



  Liquid syringe SGE 10 μl, 0.47 OD, Gauge 26 diameter 6.5, fixed needle – 50mm bevel tip

dark orange coloured ?  ?







  Liquid syringe SGE 10 μl, 0.47 OD, Gauge 26 diameter 6.5, Fixed needle – 50mm cone tip

dark orange coloured ?  ?

Syringes Headspace Version  SYRC HS1.0-23-5 

    Headspace Syringe HD-type 1.0ml for PAL Combi-xt fixed sideport needle gauge 23, pointstyle 5 ? 

  SYRC HS2.5-23-5   Headspace Syringe HD-type 2.5ml for PAL Combi-xt   ? 

    fixed sideport needle gauge 23, pointstyle 5

  SYRC HS5.0-23-5   Headspace Syringe HD-type 5.0ml for PAL Combi-xt   ?     fixed sideport needle gauge 23, pointstyle 5


Replacement Plungers  PLG G10   10 pcs replacement plunger for 10μl syringe   ?  ?

  PLG G25  10 pcs replacement plunger for 25μl syringe  ?  ?

 PLG G100  10 pcs replacement plunger for 100μl syringe  ? ?

 PLG G250  10 pcs replacement plunger for 250μl syringe  ? ?

 PLG G500  10 pcs replacement plunger for 500μl syringe  ? ?

 PLG HD1000  1 pc HD-type replacement plunger for 1000μl

PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description  Combi-xt  GC-xt


  PAL Tray1ml

PAL Tray2ml

PAL Tray20ml

PAL TrayMT2ml



PAL TrayMT2ml/6  Sample tray for 200 vials 0.7/1ml  ? ?

Sample tray for 98 vials 2ml or 78 vials 0.7/1ml  ? ?

Sample tray for 32 vials 10/20ml or 21 vials 2ml  ? ? Sample tray for PAL Stack4DW deepwell stack  ? ?

54 x 2ml vials (up to 4 trays may be used in 1 PAL Stack4DW)

Set of 6 pcs PAL TrayMT2ml sample trays  ? ?





  PAL TraySet1ml


PAL TraySet2ml


PAL TraySet10ml



PAL TraySet20ml



PAL TraySet2ml-2


  Sample tray for 200 vials 0.7/1ml,  ? ? including trayholder 76mm

Sample tray for 98 vials 2ml or 78 vials 0.7/1ml,  ? ? including trayholder 76mm

Sample tray for 32 vials 10ml or 21 vials 2ml,  ? ? including trayholder 76mm (can not be used for 20ml vials)

Sample tray for 32 vials 10/20ml or 21 vials 2ml,  ? ? including trayholder holder 114mm

(positioned 38mm lower than standard holder)

Sample tray for 98 vials 2ml or 78 vials 0.7/1ml,  ? ? including trayholder 114mm

(holder may be alternatively used for 20ml vial trays)


   headspace syringe  ? 

  PLG HD2500  1 pc  HD-type replacement plunger for 2500μl

    headspace syringe  ? 

  PLG HD5000  1 pc HD-type  replacement plunger for 5000μl

    headspace syringe  ? ?

PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description  Combi-xt  GC-xt

Trayset MT

  PAL MTHolder


   Trayholder 76mm for   

2 microtiter/deepwell plates (96/384 wells) or 2 PAL TrayMT2ml ?   ?

PAL Stack, GC Version

  PAL Stk4DW



   PAL System stack for  

4 deepwell- or microplates (96/384 wells) or

4 PAL TrayMT2ml   ?   ?

Stack Cooler 2DW (Peltier Version)



PAL StkCooler2DW



   Peltier cooled 2DW Stack 4°C to 40°C for  

2 deepwell- or microplates (96/384 wells) or

2 PAL TrayMT2ml 

including 1 pc power supply 110V/240V LED display, temperature regulation ± 1°C

   ?  ? 



PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description  Combi-xt GC-xt

Tray Cooler (Liquid Version)

  PAL LiqCooler






MC 30-10

MC 30-11

MC 30-14

MC 50-01  Liquid Tray Cooler 4°C to 70°C* for:

1 PAL Tray2ml or

1 PAL Tray1ml or

1 microtiter- or deepwell plate (96 wells)

1 pc plastic tray cover for PAL Tray2ml

(*excluding sample tray and external circulator)

Cooler plastic tray cover for PAL Tray1ml

Cooler plastic tray cover for PAL Tray2ml

Cooler plastic tray cover for 96 well MT/DW

Adapter plate for 196 well MT/DW  ? ?

? ?

? ?

? ?? ?

Tray Cooler2 (Liquid Version)


  PAL LiqCooler2





MP 50-031

  Liquid Tray Cooler 4°C to 70°C* consisting of: 

1 pc  liquid tray cooler with 136mm leg

1 pc  cooling plate for 32 20ml vials

1 pc  plastic tray cover for PAL Tray2ml (*excluding external circulator) Cooling plate for 32 vials 10/20ml (requires PAL LiqCooler2) ? ?? ?

Tray Cooler (Peltier Version)


  PAL TrayCooler








MC 30-10

MC 30-11

MC 30-14  Peltier Cooler 4°C to 70°C* for

1 PAL Tray2ml or

1 PAL Tray1ml or

1 microtiter- or deepwell plate (96 wells) including 1 plastic tray cover for PAL Tray2ml and power supply 110V/220V

LED display, temperature regulation ± 1°C (* sample tray not included)

Cooler plastic tray cover for PAL Tray1ml

Cooler plastic tray cover for PAL Tray2ml

Cooler plastic tray cover for 96 well MT/DW  ? ?

? ? 

? ? ? ?

Tray Cooler2 (Peltier Version)

  PAL TrayCooler2






MP 50-031

  Peltier Cooler 4°C to 70°C* consisting of: 

1 pc  tray cooler with 136mm legs

1 pc cooling plate for 32 20ml vials

1 pc plastic tray cover for PAL Tray2ml and power supply 110V/220V

LED display, temperature regulation ± 1°C

Cooling plate for 32 20ml vials (requires PAL Tray Cooler2) ? ?? ?



Dilutor Set

  PAL Dilutor

  PAL Dilutor Option consisting of: 1 pc Dilutor module ?

    1 pc Dilutor syringe 2.5ml 

    1 pc solvent bottle transfer line including filter

    1 pc  solvent bottle 1000ml with cap

    1 pc  transfer tubing kit 1/16“

    1 pc  Dilutor module connection cable

    1 pc  operating manual

    (requires PAL SyrGCSP80μl, PAL SyrGCSP20μl)

  PAL SyrGCSP80μl  Kit Dilutor Syringe 80μl for PAL Combi-xt consisting of: ?  

    1 pc  sideport syringe plunger sealing screw

    1 pc  sideport syringe adapter

PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description    Combi-xt  GC-xt

    1 pc  sideport syringe plunger holder


    1 pc  sideport syringe 80μl SYRC SP80-R 

    3 pcs Ndl S-26-AS needles gauge 26 

  PAL SyrGCSP20μl

    Kit Dilutor Syringe 20μl for PAL Combi-xt consisting of: 1 pc  sideport syringe plunger sealing screw ?

    1 pc  sideport syringe adapter 

    1 pc  sideport syringe plunger holder 

    1 pc  sideport syringe 20μl SYRC SP20-R 

    3 pcs Ndl S-26S-AS needles gauge 26S 





PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description  Combi-xt  GC-xt

Flow Cell

  PAL FlowCell




  Flow-Through Cell consisting of:

1 pc Flow-Cell, Stainless Steel type 316

2 pcs Stainless Steel connectors Swagelok 1/4 inch

1 pc holder 88mm

5 pcs inlet septa, ?10mm ?  ?

Wash Station


  PAL WashStd1



  Wash Station for two solvents, consisting of:

1 pc vial holder for 5 vials 10ml

5 pcs vials 10ml

5 pcs caps and seals ?  ?

Kit Seal Cap


  Kit SealCap

  10 caps and 10 seals for 100-WV solvent bottle or

PAL WashStd1 solvent vials ?  ?

 Kit Wash  KitWash-10CV

    10 pcs solvent vials 10ml

10 pcs caps 10 pcs seals for PAL WashStd1  ? ?



PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description  Combi-xt  GC-xt

Large Volume Wash Station



  PAL WashLarge



  LC PAL Wash Station for two solvents, consisting of:

1 pc vial holder for 2 x 100ml vials

2 pcs vials 100ml, including caps and seals

1 pcs waste port including cap, septa, and waste tubing ?  ?

  100-WV  100ml solvent bottle for PAL WashLarge   ?  ?

  Kit SealCap

  10 caps and 10 seals for 100-WV solvent bottle or

PAL WashStd1 solvent vials ?  ?

Solvent Reservoir


  PAL 3xSolv100


  Solvent reservoir consisting of:

1 pc holder for 3pc 100ml vials

3 pcs solvent vials 100ml including caps and seals ?  ?



  100ml solvent bottle for LC PAL Wash Station  PAL WashLarge or PAL 3xSolv 100 solvent reservoir including cap and seal ?  ?

  Kit SealCap  10 caps and 10 seals for 100-WV solvent bottle or  ? ?     LC PAL Waste port

   1 pc fitting for CombiPAL flush gas regulator

   1 pc tubing kit

   1 pc alternate bracket 14mm



      including screws

   1 pc Aux cable (Cbl RS20R-1300)

    1 pc LAN Cable (3m)

    1 pc system CD ROM  for xt- Systems     1 pc  manual xt -Upgrade

  Kit GC-xt  Kit xt  Upgrade for PAL GC-xt Systems     

    1 pc  control board-xt for PAL System – Firmware 4.X

PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description   Combi-xt  GC-xt

    1 pc  back cover (for 80cm standard rail version)        including screws     1 pc LAN Cable (3m)

    1 pc  system CD ROM for xt- Systems

    1 pc manual xt -Upgrade


MHE Tool  PAL MHETool  MHE Option for  PAL Combi-xt, consisting of:  ? 






PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description   Combi-xt  GC-xt

GC Mounting Kits





















PAL MR-6850

PAL MR 6850-Dual

PAL MR-7890 -xt








PAL MR-Focus -xt


PAL MR-V3900/V43X-xt

PAL MR-V3800/V450 -xt

PAL MR-V3400/3600

PAL MR-S2014 -xt

PAL MR-S2010 -xt





PAL MR-PEC600 -xt

PAL MR-GC353/390

PAL MR-Std -xt  Mounting hardware for Agilent GC 5890  ? ?

Mounting hardware for Agilent GC 6850  ? ?

MR-6850 add-on to align 2 Agilent 6850 GC`‘s  ? ?

Mounting hardware for Agilent GC 6890 or GC 7890  ? ? Mounting hardware for Thermo Trace 2000  ? ? 

(150mm legs, for Thermo On-column Injector only)

(requires Kit Trace-OC)


Mounting hardware for Thermo Trace 2000  ? ? 

(215mm legs, for Thermo Split/Splitless and PTV Injector)


Mounting hardware for Thermo GC Focus  ? ?  Mounting hardware for Varian GC 3900 / 43X-GC  ? ?

Mounting hardware for Varian GC 3800 / 450-GC  ? ?

Mounting hardware for Varian GC 3400 / GC 3600  ? ?

Mounting hardware for Shimadzu GC 2014  ? ?

Mounting hardware for Shimadzu GC 2010  ? ?

Mounting hardware for Shimadzu GC 17A  ? ?

Mounting hardware for Shimadzu GC 14B   ? ?

Mounting hardware for Perkin Elmer GC Autosystem XL  ? ? or Perkin Elmer GC Clarus 500

Mounting hardware for Perkin Elmer GC Clarus 600   ? ?

Mounting hardware for GL Sciences GC353/390  ? ?

2pcs standard support 215mm for GC1, LHS0 or LHS2  ? ?



PAL XCHANGE Option for PAL-xt Systems consisting of:

   1 pc XCHANGE? park station

   1 pc plunger coupling

   1 pc XCHANGE? coupling

   1 pc safety guard

   1 pc active needle guide

   1 pc set of XCHANGE? syringes

   1 pc PAL-xt System CD

   (requires PAL Firmware 4.X, for PAL-xt Systems only)?

PAL Accessory  Part Number  Description  Combi-xt  GC-xt

Barcode Reader

  PAL BCReader


  Barcode Reader

Laser scanner for barcode labels on 2/10/20ml vials including electrical connection cable ?  ?










  PAL CycCompCD






PAL CycCompCD5







PAL CycEdit




PAL DrvEmp  Cycle Composer remote control software for PAL System CD ROM consisting of:

Cycle Composer standalone version

1 PAL Driver for Agilent ChemStation data system

PAL Driver for Thermo Xcalibur data system

(requires PAL Firmware 2.2.0 or higher and

Win 2000/XP or higher)

Cycle Composer remote control software for PAL System CD ROM, site license for 5 instruments consisting of:

Cycle Composer standalone version including

5 serial numbers

PAL Driver for Agilent ChemStation data system

PAL Driver for Thermo Xcalibur data system

(requires PAL Firmware 2.2.0 or higher and

Win 2000/XP or higher)

PAL Cycle Editor license


CTC Instrument control components including Cycle Editor


PAL Driver for Waters Empower  ? 


?  ?





Instrument Qualification








   Instrument Qualification for

PAL Combi-xt and PAL GC-xt consisting of:

1 pc  Log Book

1 pc  Documentation IQ procedure

1 pc  Documentation OQ procedure

Instrument Requalification for  PAL Combi-xt and PAL GC-xt consisting of:

1 pc  Documentation OQ procedure ? 

?  ?

  PAL Toolkit  Torx driver set for PAL System  ?  ?


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