时间:2017-03-19 阅读:349
安徽天康(集团)股份有限公司 -
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时间:2017-03-19 阅读:349
349次五、电缆主要技术参数 Main Technical parameter of cable 1、20℃时导体zui大直流电阻值应满足GB/T3956标准中 的2类导体的规定。 2、工频交流耐压试验 A.C. Voltage Test 单芯无屏蔽电缆应将其浸入水中1h,在导体和水之间施 加试验电压3.5kV/5 min;多芯电缆应依次在每一根绝缘导 体对其余导体之间施加试验电压3.5kV/5 min,绝缘均应无击 穿。 Max value of conductor DC resistance shall meet the requirement of conductor of category 2 stipulated in GB/ T3956 standard at 20℃. For single core cable without shielding, voltage test of 3.5kV under power frequency is put on for 5 minutes between conductor and water when be immersed in the water for one hour. For multi-core cable, between each insulated conductor and other conductor, voltage test of 3.5kV under power frequency is put on for 5 minutes without puncture of insulation. 六、电缆近似外径及近似重量(表1~表5) Table 1 Approximate outer diameter and weight of cable (from table 1 to table 5) table 1 芯数×标称截面mm2 core number x nominal cross section area 电缆近似外径mm approximate outer diameter of cable 电缆近似重量kg/km approximate weight of cable 电缆近似外径mm approximate outer diameter of cable 电缆近似重量kg/km approximate weight of cable VV VLV VV22* VLV22* 1×1.5 5.8 50 / / / / 1×2.5 6.2 62 47 / / / 1×4 7.1 87 63 / / / 1×6 7.6 110 75 / / / 1×10 8.9 166 96 12.4 346 270 1×16 9.9 234 133 13.4 432 331 1×25 11.7 345 186 15.2 574 414 1×35 12.6 450 229 16.2 692 475 1×50 14.6 585 276 18.1 863 553 1×70 16.3 800 366 19.8 1133 700 1×95 18.5 1065 475 22.0 1432 844 1×120 20.2 1328 586 23.7 1705 962 1×150 22.5 1600 702 26.0 2044 1120 1×185 24.8 1990 850 28.3 2438 1296 1×240 27.8 2546 1060 31.5 3057 1570 1×300 30.7 3140 1292 34.2 3926 2070 1×400 34.7 4127 1651 38.0 5084 2608 1×500 39.0 5259 2016 43.0 6295 2936 Table 2 芯数×标称截面mm2 core number x nominal cross section area 电缆近似外径mm approximate outer diameter of cable 电缆近似重量kg/km approximate weight of cable 电缆近似外径mm approximate outer diameter of cable 电缆近似重量kg/km approximate weight of cable VV VLV VV22 VLV22 2×1.5 10.4 118 / / / / 2×2.5 11.3 151 118 / / / 2×4 13.0 210 159 16.0 424 374 2×6 13.9 263 192 17.1 494 425 2×10 16.5 394 242 19.8 665 497 2×16 18.6 541 334 21.8 845 638 2×25 22.0 794 468 25.3 1154 827 2×35 24.2 1037 585 27.5 1436 982 2×50 20.3 1236 592 23.6 1580 940 2×70 22.7 1647 745 26.0 2210 1302 2×95 26.2 2189 966 29.1 2800 1530 2×120 28.8 2640 1144 32.6 3400 1850 2×150 32.2 3280 1410 36.2 4150 2198 2×185 35.8 4006 1703 39.5 5025 2592