面议CPC2000 便携式压力控制器 各种耗材
面议GPSMAP 66s GPS手持机 佳明Garmin 010-01918-0A 各种耗材
面议LM2936MPX-3.3具有反向电压保护功能的 50mA、60V、低 IQ、低压降稳压器
面议LM385M3X-1.2 1.235V、0℃-70℃、微功率电压基准二极管
面议LM258DR2G运算放大器,单电源,双路 电子/半导体检测仪器
面议LM2672MX-3.3 DC-DC开关电源 6.5V 至 40V、1A 低元件数降压稳压器
面议WindObserver 70 超声波风速风向仪 0-70m/s 各种耗材
面议HYDROS 21 液位深度 电导率 温度传感器 CTD-10 升级版
面议XTR101 低漂移 4-20mA 两线制发送器
面议UAF42 通用有源滤波器
The Em5b is a low cost, limited use five-channel mini-logger. It powers and reads the EC-5, GS1, and 10HS soil moisture sensors, the ECRN-50 and ECRN-100 rain gauges, and the ECT temperature sensor.
Designed for use over the growing season, the Em5b runs for 5-6 months on 4 AAA-size alkaline batteries and has 46 kB of Flash Data memory (138 days at 1 scan/hour).
The Em5b comes with ECH2O Utility software for setting up and downloading data.
Cost. The Em5b allows you to add inexpensive peripheral sites to a study.
Perfect for a season's worth of basic soil moisture data.
Limited weatherproofing. Needs to be protected from the elements.
Not optimized for frequent data downloads. Port 1 must be unplugged before dowloading data; case closures can be cumbersome.
Only reads analog sensors (listed above).