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HYPROP is a modular lab instrument that generates a moisture characteristic curve and determines the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of soil samples in standard 250 ml soil sampling rings. After setup, the system generates the moisture characteristic while running unattended.
Two precision mini-tensiometers measure water potential at different levels within the sample while the sample rests on a precision laboratory scale (2000 gram range; 0.01 gram resolution). As the sample dries, changes in water potential are correlated to changes in moisture content using the Wind/Schindler evaporation method.
Results are verified and values for dry range and saturation are calculated according to a selected model (i.e., van Genuchten/Mualem, Bimodal van Genuchten/Mualem, or Brooks and Corey.) Model parameters can be selected before, during, or after the measurement procedure.
The HYPROP base and tensiometers are usually filled using syringes. It requires some practice to achieve good results. In fact, a skilled user can typically extend the range of the HYPROP significantly.
Using the vacuum to fill the HYPROP gives the user the best HyProp performance without the learning curve.
The optional HYPROP Refilling System takes much of the painstaking precision work out of filling and setting up the HYPROP. It consists of a set of adapters that attach the base and tensiometers to a vacuum pump.
On the day before beginning a test, fill the tensiometers and HYPROPbase with degassed water, put the system under vacuum, and leave it overnight. In the morning, you're ready to connect everything and start running a moisture characteristic curve on a soil sample.
Saves 20 - 30 minutes set up time per HYPROP
Typically increases HYPROP range, especially for novice users
Is especially useful in filling multiple HYPROPS
The new data evaluation software brings a multitude of significant improvements for the evaluation of the data you obtain from HYPROP evaporation experiment campaigns.
The software also allows the input of data from other water potential instruments such as the WP4C for fitting the soil moisture release curves.
Easy and flexible handling
Usage of intact standard sampling rings without perforation
Tensiometer shafts are installed into the sample from the bottom side
Low expenditure of time and costs
Suitable for applications
High-quality results for the water retention curve especially in the range close to saturation
The hydraulic functions are consistently proved by numerous readings
T5x Tensiometers may measure beyond 250 kPa due to boiling retardation
The mathematical functions are profoundly adapted
Simultaneous measurement of water retention curve and hydraulic conductivity
Suitable for all soils (provided Tensiometers can be installed)
No special requirements for the ambient conditions. Only the evaporation conditions should remain more or less constant during a measurement
An existing scale with serial port can be connected to the system
Extendable to up to 20 assemblies for one scale
The measuring range is limited to the measuring range of the Tensiometers
Poor resolution of the hydraulic conductivity near saturation (particularly in sandy soils)