顺应世界环保潮流,无氟将是我国制冷设备发展的必然趋势,慧科实验设备快人一步全新无氟设计,使您始终走在健康生活的前面。国际品牌压缩机和循环风机,效率高、能耗低,不仅促进节能,而且使用寿命长,可将噪声降至更低限度,与传统低温设备相比,降温时间减少40%以上。 用途概述Summary 适用于环境保护、卫生防疫、药检、农畜、水产等科研、院校、生产部门。是水体分析和BOD测定,细菌、霉菌、微生物的培养、保存、植物栽培、育种试验的专用恒温设备。 Serve for environmental protection,hygiene and anti-epidemic,pharmaceutical test,work stock and aquatic products ete.which applied in scientific research institute, college and manufacture department. It is a dedicated constant-temperature equipment for analysis of water body,BOD test,c*tion and storage of bacteria,moulds and microorganisms,plant c*tion and seed- breeding test. 产品特点Features ◆ 采用镜面不锈钢内胆,四角半圆弧,易清洁,箱内搁板间距可调。 ◆ 微电脑温度控制器,控温精确可靠。 ◆ 设有独立限温报警系统,超过限制温度即自动中断,保证实验安全运行,不发生意外。 (选配) ◆ 具有4~20mA标准电流信号,R485接口可连接记录仪和计算机,能记录温度参数的变化状况。(选配) ◆ Specular stainless-steel chamber, semicircular ares at corners for easy cleaning, and the space between the shelves in the chamber is adjustable. ◆Microprocessor temperature controller ensures a precise and reliable control. ◆ Independent alarm system for temperature-limiting ensures experiments run safely and no accident would happen. (Option) ◆ Recorder and printer are options which can print or record setting parameters and trace variational curves of temperature (4~2OmA standard signal). (Option) 选购件∶ 1、智能型液晶程序温度控制器(型号∶ YSPX、YMJX) 2、打印机 3、独立限温控制器 4、左侧直径50mm测试孔 5、BOD插座 Options: 1、Intelligent programable temperature controller (Model;YSPX、YMJX) 2、Printer 3、Inedpendent temperature-limiting controller 4、Test hole on the left (diameter-50mm) 5、BOD socket 技术参数Specifications
性能参数测试在空载条件下为∶环境温度20℃,环境湿度50%RH。 Specification test under no load condition:ambient temperature is 20℃,and relative humidity is 50%. 注∶智能型液晶程序温度控制器为大屏幕液晶显示屏,多组数据一屏显示,使用方便,更具有人性化设计;可配RS485接口和电脑连接,通过电脑同步监控实验过程或记录实验数据。 Note:Intelligent programable temperature controller is giant-screen liquid crystal display,groups-data display in one screen,easily operation;RS485 connection may link with computer to record data and control experiment.