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面议回收安捷伦Agilent N9040B UXA信号分析仪收购二手N9040B仪器
回收安捷伦Agilent N9040B UXA信号分析仪收购二手N9040B仪器
回收+ 销售仪器 ;示波器、频谱仪、万用表、综测仪、网络分析仪、信号源、功率计、频率计、数据采集仪,电子负载 频谱分析仪、热像仪、光纤熔接机等进口仪器仪表
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主营品牌:安捷伦Agilent 、KEYSIGHT/是德科技、泰克Tektronix、福禄克FLUKE、安立Anritsu、** 、吉时利Keithley、爱德万Avantest、横河Yokogawa、美能达Ko nica Minolta、艾法斯Aeroflex、罗德与施瓦茨R&S、莱特波特litepin、思博伦spirent、爱色丽x-rite、菊水KIKUSUI、致茂Chroma、固纬GWINSTEK、力科LeCroy、马可尼Marconi
安捷伦Agilent N9040B UXA信号分析仪3Hz~26.5GHz频率范围
Functionality - See the latest enhancements
Measurement applications & software
Automation & communication interface
The UXA is the flagship of the X-Series signal analyzers and is built on proprietary technology. It provides frequency coverage up to 26.5 GHz and can be extended to 1.1 THz using the standard external mixing functionality. The N9040B combines high-quality analysis bandwidth to 510 MHz, full-band real-time analysis and industry-leading phase noise performance. The UXA also uses a streamlined, touch-driven interface on the large 14.1” display that simplifies measurement setup through the familiar X-Series menu structure.. With its wider, deeper views of elusive and wideband signals, the UXA enables you to take your designs further in aerospace, defense, commercial communications and more.
The N9040B UXA signal analyzer is a member of the X-Series spectrum analyzers, which is an evolutionary approach to signal analysis that spans instrumentation, measurements and software. It gives you the flexibility to satisfy your business and technical requirements across multiple products and programs—now and in the future.