SCITS100 二次侧电流电压输入设备
面议PCITS2000/2 一次电流输入测试设备
面议MPRT-8415 全自动继电保护测试仪
面议MPRT 全自动继电保护测试仪
面议机械电气设备安全特性综合测试仪 MT300E(MT300增强型)
面议MEGGER IDAX 300 绝缘诊断综合测试仪
面议变压器直流电阻测试仪Transformer Ohmmeter
面议OTS100AF/2 绝缘油耐压自动测试仪
面议Karl Fischer 绝缘油微水含量测量仪
面议MEGGER CB-100 电容与介损测试电桥
面议DELTA-3000 10KV 全自动介损测试仪
Portable cable fault location and high voltage test solution
The prime objective of any cable fault location system is to provide quick, effective, accurate and safe fault location, thereby reducing system outages and “customer minutes lost.”
The PFL20A family of compact Megger cable fault locating systems is designed to meet this criterion. These systems
are seen as a valuable extension to our existing range of CFL instruments and capabilities.
The standard system comes as a compact system
that can be further customised by the customer to meet local requirements. All systems undertake cable testing; cable and fault diagnosis; prelocation of cable faults; fault conditioning; pinpoint location using acoustic methods.