热电偶用补偿导线 Compensating Conductor for The rmocouple |
本产品适用于分度号为S、R、K、E、J和T型热电偶配用的补偿导线(以下简称补偿导线)。补偿导线的绝缘层与护层以聚乙稀、无碱玻璃丝及聚四氟乙稀为主体材料。 The product is suitable for S,R,K,E,J or T thermocouples. The main materials for the insulating layer and protective layer of the compensating conductor are made of polyethylene, non-alkaline glassfibre and polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE). |
使用分类 Application | 标志 Mark | 允差等级及标志 Permissible Grade and Mark | 普通级 Common | 精密级 Precision | 一般用For common use | G | B | A | 耐热用For high temperature | H |
1、线芯组成结构图: 1、Conductor Strncture: |
线芯 Coductor core 聚四氟乙烯 PTFE 玻璃纤维 Galssfibre 聚四氟乙烯 PTFE
屏蔽 Shield 玻璃纤维 Glassfibre
2、 标号举例: 2、 Samples for Mark: ① SC-HB-FBRP2×1 GB4989-85 S型热电偶用的补偿型耐热用普通级补偿导线,绝缘层为聚四氟乙稀,护层为玻璃丝,特征为多股软线和屏蔽型,单对线芯标称截面为1mm2. ②JX-GA-VV100RP4×1.5 GB4989-85 J型热电偶用的延伸型一般用精密级补偿导线,绝缘层与护层均为聚氯乙稀材料,使用温度为-20~100℃,特征为多股软线芯和屏蔽型,两对线芯标称截面为1.55mm2。 ③KC-GB-VV702×0.5 GB4989-85 K型热电偶用的补偿型一般用普通级补偿导线,绝缘层与护层均为聚氯乙稀材料,使用温度为0~70℃,特征为单股线芯,单对线芯标称截面为0.5mm2。 2.Samples for Mark: ① SC-HB-FBRP 2×1 GB4989-85 The insulating layer and protective layer of the compensating conductor (Grade Common and high temperature application) for S thermocouple are made of PTFE and glassfiber respectively. The compensating condutor is of multi-strand flexible corse and shielded type. The cross-section of single pair cores is 1mm2 ② JX-GA-VV100RP4×1.5 GB4989-85 The insulating layer and protective layer of the compensating conductor (Grade Precision and common application) for J thermocouple are made of PTFE.The conductor can be used at -20℃ to 100℃. The compensating condutor is of multstrand folxible cores and shielded type.The cross-section of twin pair cores is 1.5mm2. ③ KC-GB-VV70 2×0.5 GB4989-85 The insulating layer and protective layer of the compensatingconductor(Grade Common and common application) for Kthermocouple are made of PTFE.The conductor can be used at 0℃ to 70℃. The compensating condutor is of single strand core type. The cross-section of single pair cores is 0.5mm2。 3、 补偿导线的代号、绝缘层及护层材料的规定和使用温度范围如表: The code, the stipulations for insulating layer and protective layer and the working temperature of the compensating conductors are as follows:
耐高温补偿导线 Compensating Conductors for High Temperature |
所配热电偶 The rmocouple | 补偿导线名称 Compensating Conductor | 绝缘层及护层材料 Insualting & Protective layers | 使用温度范围(℃) Working temperature(℃) | 分度号 Graduation No. | 新 New | 旧 Old | 旧 Old | 新 New | 铂铑10-铂 Pt-Rh10-Pt | LB | S | LB-HFB LB-HFBP LB-HFBR LB-HFBRP | SC-HF2 SC-HF4P SC-HF4R SC-HF4RP | F·B | -40~275 | 镍铬-镍硅 Ni-Cr-Ni-Si | EU | K | EU-HFB EU-HFBP EU-HFBR EU-HFBRP | KC-HF4 KC-HF4P KC-HF4R KC-HF4RP KX-HF4 KX-HF4P KX-HF4R KX-HF4RP | 镍铬-铜镍 Ni-Cr-Cu-Ni | | E | | EX-HF4 EX-HF4P EX-HF4R EX-HF4RP | 铁-铜镍 Fe-Cu-Ni | | J | | JX-HF4 JX-HF4P JX-HF4R JX-HF4RP | 铜-铜镍 Cu-Cu-Ni | CK | T | CK-HFB CK-HFBP CK-HFBR CK-HFBRP | TX-HF4 TX-HF4P TX-HF4R TX-HF4RP | 镍铬-考铜 Ni-Cr-Cu | EA | | EA-HFB EA-HFBP EA-HFBR EA-HFBRP | 用EX代替 EX as substitute |
耐热级补偿导线 Resistant Thermal Compensating Conductor |
所配热电偶 The rmocouple | 补偿导线名称 Compensating Conductor | 绝缘层及护层材料 Insualting & Protective layers | 使用温度范围(℃) Working temperature(℃) | 分度号 Graduation No. | 新 New | 旧 Old | 旧 Old | 新 New | 铂铑10-铂 Pt-Rh10-Pt | LB | S | LB-BB LB-BBP LB-BBR LB-BBRP | SC-HB SC-HB2P SC-HB2R SC-HB2RP | B·B | -40~200 | 镍铬-镍硅 Ni-Cr-Ni-Si | EU | K | EU-BB EU-BBP EU-BBR EU-BBRP | KC-HB2 KC-HB2P KC-HB2R KC-HB2RP KX-HB2 KX-HB2P KX-HB2R KX-HB2RP | 镍铬-铜镍 Ni-Cr-Cu-Ni | | E | | EX-HB2 EX-HB2P EX-HB2R EX-HB2RP | 铁-铜镍 Fe-Cu-Ni | | J | | JX-HB2 JX-HB2P JX-HB2R JX-HB2RP | 铜-铜镍 Cu-Cu-Ni | CK | T | CK-BB CK-BBP CK-BBR CK-BBRP | TX-HB TX-HB2P TX-HB2R TX-HB2RP | 镍铬-考铜 Ni-Cr-Cu | EA | | EA-BB EA-BBP EA-BBR EA-BBRP | 用EX代替 EX as substitute |
普通级补偿导线 Compensating Conductors for Common Application |
所配热电偶 The rmocouple | 补偿导线名称 Compensating Conductor | 绝缘层及护层材料 Insualting & Protective layers | 使用温度范围(℃) Working temperature(℃) | 分度号 Graduation No. | 新 New | 旧 Old | 旧 Old | 新 New | 铂铑10-铂 Pt-Rh10-Pt | LB | S | LB-VV LB-VVP LB-VVR LB-VVRP | SC-GV SC-GV2P SC-GV2R SC-GV2RP | V·V | -20~100 | 镍铬-镍硅 Ni-Cr-Ni-Si | EU | K | EU-VV EU-VVP EU-VVR EU-VVRP | KC-GV2 KC-GV2P KC-GV2R KC-GV2RP KX-GV2 KX-GV2P | 镍铬-铜镍 Ni-Cr-Cu-Ni | | E | | EX-GV2 EX-GV2P EX-GV2R EX-GV2RP | 铁-铜镍 Fe-Cu-Ni | | J | | | 铜-铜镍 Cu-Cu-Ni | CK | T | CK-VV CK-VVP CK-VVR CK-VVRP | TX-GV TX-GV2P TX-GV2R TX-GV2RP | 镍铬-考铜 Ni-Cr-Cu | EA | | EA-VV EA-VVP EA-VVR EA-VVRP | 用EX代替 EX as substitute |
4、补偿导线的热电动势及允差应符合表: The thermal electromotive force and permissible error of the compensating conductor shall conform to the stipulations in the following table |
型号 Model | 热电动热及允差(mv)Thermal electromotive force and permissible erroe | 100℃ | 200℃ | 执电势 The rmal electromo- tive force | 允差 Permissible eror | 执电势 The rmal electromo- tive force | 允差 Permissible eror | 普通级 Common | 精密级 Precision | 普通级 Common | 精密级 Precision | SC KC KK EX JX TX EA | 0.645 4.095 4.095 6.317 5.268 4.277 6.955 | ±0.037(5℃) ±0.105(℃) ±0.105(2.5℃) ±0.17(2.5℃) ±0.135(2.5℃) ±0.047(1℃) ±0.3(2.5℃) | ±0.023(3℃) ±0.063(1.5℃) ±0.063(1.5℃) ±0.102(1.5℃) ±0.081(1.5℃) ±0.023(1.5℃)
| 1.44 - 8.137 13.419 10.777 9.286 14.66 | ±0.057(5℃) - ±0.1(2.5℃) ±0.183(2.5℃) ±0.138(2.5℃) ±0.053(1℃) ±0.38(2.5℃) | - - - ±0.06(1.5℃) ±0.111(1.5℃) ±0.083(1.5℃) ±0.027(0.5℃) |