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The Sverker 650 testing unit, whose design incorporates benefits gleaned from many years of experience in field relay testing,enjoys a well-earned reputation for reliability and convenience.Compact and powerful, it provides all of the functions needed forsecondary testing of almost all types of single-phase protection now available on the market.
SVERKER 650 features logical design and construction, and it is extraordinarily easy to learn and use. Its compact design and light weight makes it extremely portable.
Auxiliary equipment for SVERKER 650 includes a test lead set and a rugged transport case.Another useful accessory is the ACA120 voltage source which makes it easier to test directional relays.
The Sverker 650 is for use in high-voltage substations and industrial environments. The built-in capacitor provides phase shift when testing directional protective relays, a set of resistors can be used to divide voltages.
The Sverker 650 is intended primary for secondary injection testing of protective relays. Virtually all types of single phase protection can be tested.