



时间:2015-03-05      阅读:148

Mr Joern Mueller of Indu-Sol, Mr Shi

Quan Zhang from the company Hoko and

Mr René Heidl of Indu-Sol, in front of the

community stand

For the first time the Thuringian company Indu-Sol GmbH was represented at an exhibition in

China.  The IAS  Industrial Automation  Show  Shanghai took  place from  November  5

November 9    2013. It  is  an international  trade fair  for production  and process  automation




which is used mainly by local  exhibitors. Foreign visitors look on this fair as  a contact market

for new  business activities,  just  like Indu-Sol.  Already in  April the  Chinese company  Hoko

was a  guest  on the  stand of  the  Fieldbus and  Ethernet specialists  from Schmoelln  at  the

Hanover fair. After that  they agreed on a second  encounter in November in Shanghai.  René

Heidl,  Managing  Director  of   Indu-Sol,  and  Joern  Mueller,  Sales   Manager,  spent  some

impressive days  in Far East.  Both attracted  not only attention  because of their  body height

compared  to the  Chinese colleagues,  but  also because  of  their business  field. “The  topic

communication diagnosis  in production  networks is  rather new in  China, they  don’t have  a

focus  on it  yet”, says  Joern Mueller,  “nevertheless,  we had  many stimulating  discussions,

were able  to establish  first contacts  and arouse interest.  We definiy  have been received

with open  arms and will  continue to  follow the path.  Together with Hoko  we will  go on and

look  forward to  a profitable  common  future.” Thus,  other  exhibition activities  in China  are

easily conceivabale.

