In many countries, clean-air regulations
require a continuous measurement of nitrogen
oxides NOX, as the sum of nitrogen
dioxide NO2 and nitrogen monoxide NO, for
combustion processes as soon as the part of
NO2 exceeds 5% of the total NOX emission.
Due to the conversion to NO the use of a
standard NO-analyser is possible.
The conversion of NO2 into NO depends on
a catalytic reaction. Therefore, the sample
gas passes the M&C gas converter type CG ...
via a catalyst cartridge type C, filled up with
molybdenum-coated carbon. This conversion
allows an indirect nitrogen oxide measurement
with all NO selctive usual commercial
measuring instruments. For a ratio of NO2/
NO >50% or a NO2 concentration >200ppm a
filling of metal type SS is available.
The compact 19“-design of the M&C gas
converters CG-2 and CG-2M guarantees compatible
and safe handling as well as easy servicing.
The 19“-rack can optional be equipped
with a wall mounting bracket.
The M&C gas converters CG-2H-W and
CG-2MH-W are built in a wall mounting housing.
The cylindric, ready for use prepared cartridge
is built into a heat-insulated tube furnace
easily accessible at the front or top panel of
the converter. By turning the special adapter
handle the cartridge can be changed without
any tools.
The temperature of the cartridge can be
adjusted between +50°C and 680°C at a PID
temperature controller on the front panel of
the converter. A status alarm contact for high
and low temperature alarm is available.
Using different catalysts at specific process
temperatures, the M&C gas converter
CG ... is suitable for various applications.
The converter is available in four versions:
CG-2 and CG-2M for „cold gas“ conversion
and CG-2H-W respectively CG-2MH-W with
heated gas inlet, outlet and a second heating
circuit for „hot gas“ conversion.
For test purposes the converter cartridge
can be bypassed via 3/2-way solenoid valves
out of PVDF in version CG-2M and out of
stainless steel in version CG-2MH-W. Version
CG-2M is equipped with two and the version
CG-2MH-W with one solenoid valve. An external
control is possible.
The versions CG-2 and CG-2H are working
without bypass valves.
We like to inform you about a suitable gas
conditioning system to be connected up- or
downstream the converter !