tiberCAD is a software solution dedicated to people working on the cutting edge of semi¬conductor technology, sensing, energy harvesting, organic and molecular optoelectronics, MEMS technologies. Modern devices impose new challenges due to the wide range of time and length scales involved. tiberCAD, a multiscale CAD simulation tool, is able to couple physical models operating at different scales in the same simulation. Fields of application are particle transport, heat dissipation, mechanical deformation. Examples of use are modeling of quantum dot–based LED diodes, leaking currents in MOSFETs, Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC), piezoelectric nanoge¬nerators. tiberCAD provides novel tools to accomplish the critical requirements imposed by the recent developments in nanotechnologies.
Structure/device editor:
Tools for creating geometric structures for TCAD simulation, including an extensive material database
1D/2D/3D modeling and meshing (structured and not ), cylindrical symmetry, adaptive mesh refinement
support for external meshing tools (ISE-TCAD, Silvaco)
built-in atomistic structure generation tool: coupling to the geometric model, several crystal lattices (cubic, hexagonal, fcc, bcc), hydrogen passivation model
Multiscale approach:
Quantum and classical continuous descriptions can be used in different regions of a device/nanostructure within the same simulation; analysys and optimization may be performed at all the relevant scale lengths, possibly including self-consistent coupling of different models, such as quantum/drift-diffusion, thermal/drift-diffusion.
Physical models:
Strain/stress modelization, including pyro- and piezoelectric effects, non-linear strain, converse piezoelectric, external forces
Classical (Drift-Diffusion) particle transport and Poisson calculation
Electrons, holes and excitons dynamic
Heat balance model
Quantum physics for continuous media, including Envelope Function Approximation, k·p theory
Device applications:
Electronic devices analysis and design (HEMT, MOSFET, BJT,etc)
Nanoelectronic devices (nanoMOSFET, CNTFET, nanowire etc.)
Molecular and Organic electronics devices (OTFT, OLED, OPV)
Optoelectronic Devices (LASER, LED, Photodetectors)
Solar Cells (silicon based, CdTe, CIGS, DSSC, organic)
Nanostructures (quantum wells, quantum dot, III/V heterostructures)