英国TTi TGA1241/1242/1244 脉冲/任意波形信号发生器
面议英国TTi LCR数字电桥
面议英国TTi 微欧姆电阻表
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The Aim-TTi TF960 is a 6GHz bench/portable universal counter with USB. It uses a high quality temperature-compensated internal frequency reference (TCXO) which has a low aging rate and is stable to within ±1ppm over the full temperature range. The instrument's short warm-up time enables accurate measurements to be made even under portable battery-powered conditions. An External Reference input is provided and changeover from the internal timebase is automatic when an external reference standard is connected. For frequency, period and frequency ratio functions, the TF960 uses a reciprocal counting technique to provide high resolution at all frequencies. Eight significant digits of answer are produced in a 1 second measurement time, nine digits in 10s and ten digits in 100s, with a granularity of less than 2 counts in the least significant digit.
Frequency, period, pulse width, frequency ratio, duty cycle and event counter modes
DC to 6000MHz range, 0.001mHz resolution
High impedance measurement up to 125 MHz
AC or DC coupling, 1M/50Ohm selection, polarity invert
Switchable attenuator, threshold control
Noise filter for low frequency measurements
Selectable measurement time; display hold function
Large 10 digit display with full range of annunciators
Internal rechargeable batteries for portable use
USB interface provides full remote control and readback