BRL Test - we are analyzer experts. Low prices on sales and repairs is what we're about. Our 50GHz lab staffed with the world's best technicians is what sets us apart.
Call BRL Test for a marked down quote on FSIQ7 today 407-682-4228.
Rohde and Schwarz FSIQ7
Option B4: Low phase noise
Option B5: FFT Bandwidths 1Hz to 1 KHz
Option: B7: Vector Signal Analyzer
Option B17: 2ND IEC/IEEE-BUS
Option FSE-B17: 2nd IEC/IEEE Bus Interface
Spectrum Analysis with Ultra-wide Dynamic Range for Sophisticated ACPR
Measurements NF = 15 dB/TOI = +20 dBm
Figure of merit (NF - TOI) = +5 dBm
Integrated Vector Signal Analyzer for Universal Analysis of Digital and Analog
Modulated Signals BPSK to 16QAM, (G)MSK, AM, FM, PM
Vector Signal Analyzer for W-CDMA Symbol Rate up to 6.4 Msymbol/s
High-speed Synthesizer with 5 ms Sweep Time for FULL SPAN (FSIQ3/7)
High Display Update Rate up to 25 sweeps/s
Large Colour Display with High Resolution (24 cm/9.5 TFT)
Analysis of Frequency, Time, and Modulation Domain in One Box 82 dB
ACPR (Adjacent Channel Power Ratio) in 4.096 MHz
Integration Bandwidth for Alternate Channel
True RMS Detector for Precise and Repeatable Measurements of any Signal