Inspektor 龋齿荧光检测仪牙菌斑 金属热电阻
面议Pennoc 光反应器 Penn Optical Coatings-金属热电阻
面议Metertech SP-8001紫外/可见分光光度计
面议BioFluidix GmbH 单细胞打印机-生化培养箱
面议LW-9389 界面材料热阻及热传导系数量测仪-液体流量计
面议Natus Neurology Inc Grass Technologies Grass Ins-相序表
面议ACTIVPAl PAL Technologies Ltd 活动观测仪
面议ISO/ADA Design, V-8 Cross Brushing Machine with Ac
面议Toothbrush-Dentifrice Assessment Instrument Zahrad
面议Sabri toothbrush wear tester
面议Staining Test Apparatus used for V-8 Cross Brushin
面议Oscillating Rheometer Instrument
面议150 CFM Chamber The 150 CFM chamber is 12 inches in diameter and 36 inches in length. The standard flow range is 3 to 150 CFM. The nozzle array is accessible through a removable panel for nozzle selection. The counter blower is mounted on the end of the chamber and uses a universal motor/variable transformer for speed control. This design does not utilize a blast gate and is typically used to determine system resistance and volume flow through power supplies and smaller electronic assemblies.