Acrel/安科瑞 品牌
安科瑞 师晴晴
PZ 系列单相表,采用交流采样技术,可直接或间接测量单相电网或三相电网中某一相的电能、电压和电 流等。既可用于本地显示,又能与工控设备连接,组成测控系统。产品符合企业标准 Q31/0114000129C020-2016 《PZ 系列直流可编程数显智能表》和 Q31/0114000129C017-2016《PZ 系列交流可编程数显智能表》的规定。 仪表可具有 RS-485 通讯接口,采用 Modbus-RTU 协议;可带模拟量输出、继电器报警输出、开关量输入 /输出。根据不同要求,通过仪表面板按键,对变比、报警、通讯等参数进行设置和控制。 PZ Series programmable intelligent single phase meters, adopting AC sampling technology, can measure electric energy, voltage and current of single-phase or three-phase grid directly or indirectly . It can be used for local display, and connecting industrial control device to form measurement and control system.Meters accurate to enterprise standard with Q31/0114000129C020-2016《PZ Series programmable DC intelligent meters》and Q31/0114000129C017-2016“PZ Series programmable AC intelligent meters”. Meters have RS-485 communication interface, adopting compatible Modbus-RTU protocol, can bring analog output, relay alarm output and switch input,switch output. According to different requests, ratio, alarm, communication etc. can be set and controled by pressing related keys on instrument panel.
仪表安装时,松开固定支架锁紧螺钉,取下固定支架,将仪表嵌入安装孔内,装上固定支架,拧紧螺钉, 使仪表安装牢固,不松动即可。 When meter is installing, embedded meter into mounting hole, restore fixed support, tighten screw, fix meter firmly
安科瑞可编程智能电表价格 安科瑞可编程智能电表价格