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The A600 Series current probes are specifically designed to support measurements with the TekMeter® or oscilloscope. This industrial-style clamp-on probe has a BNC connector and can be used with a shrouded banana plug adapter1so it can be used on digital multimeters, TekMeter, and oscilloscopes. The A621 can measure AC currents from 100 mA to 2000 A peak over a frequency range of 5 Hz to 50 kHz. It provides a 1 mV, 10 mV, or 100 mV output for each Amp measured. 1For instruments with banana jack inputs, Tektronix part number 012-1450-00 Female BNC to banana lead adapter is required. This "long nose" style clamp-on probe uses a Hall Effect current sensor to provide a voltage output to oscilloscopes. It has a BNC connector and can be used with a shrouded banana plug adapter1so it can also be used on digital multimeters, TekMeter, and oscilloscopes. The A622 can measure AC/DC currents from 50 mA to 100 A peak over a frequency range of DC to 100 kHz. It provides 10 mV or 100 mV output for each Amp measured. TPS2000, TDS1000B, TDS2000C, and TDS3000C Series oscilloscopes and DMM40201, DMM40401, and DMM40501digital multimeters. Features and benefits
A621 2000 Amp AC Current probe/BNC
A622 100 Amp AC DC Current probe/BNC
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