The XEMIS is a high accuracy sorption microbalance for precision weighing in extreme environments. 参考价面议高压气体吸附仪
The IMI Series offers a multifunctional platform for the study of physisorption, chemisorption and gas absorption by materials, from entry level manometric analyzers to advanced multistream dynamic fl...... 参考价面议水分吸附仪
The IGAsorp is a fully automated bench top gravimetric analysis system designed to quickly and accurately measure the magnitude and kinetics of moisture sorption by materials. 参考价面议二次离子质谱探针
The Hiden MAXIM quadrupole SIMS analyser is a state of the art secondary ion mass spectrometer for positive and negative, static, dynamic and neutral analytical applications. 参考价面议二次离子质谱工作站
The Hiden SIMS Workstation provides for high performance static and dynamic SIMS applications for detailed surface composition analysis and depth profiling. 参考价面议飞行时间二次离子质谱仪TOF-SIMS
品牌:Hiden 型号:TOF-qSIMS 制造商:Hiden Analytical Ltd 产地: 英国 参考价面议