Acrel/安科瑞 品牌
2.1 AEW100分项无线计量模块采集数据命名规则
表2 AEW100主要功能
功能 Function | 功能说明 Function description |
电能计量 Energy metering | 有功电能计量(正、反向),无功电能计量(正、反向) Active kWh (positive and negative),Reactive power(positive and negative) |
电量测量 Electrical measurement | U、I、 P、Q、S、PF、F |
脉冲输出 Pulse output | 有功脉冲输出 Active pulse output |
LED指示 LED display | (L1、L2、L3)取电显示、脉冲、通讯、无线状态指示 (L1、L2、L3)powered display, pulse, communication, wireless status |
通讯 Communication | 470MHz无线传输 Wireless transmission on 470MHz |
红外通讯 Infrared communication | |
RS485接口 Communication interface: RS485 |
3.2 电气特性 Electrical performance
表3 AEW100电气特性
电压输入 Voltage input | 额定电压 Rated voltage | 3×220/380V,3×380V,3×57.7/100V,3×100V |
参比频率 Reference frequency | 40~65Hz | |
功耗 Consumption | <2VA(每相)(Each phase) | |
电流输入 Current input | 输入电流 Input current | 3×1.5(6)A、3×20(100)A、 3×40(200)A、3×80(400)A、3×120(600)A |
起动电流 Start current | 4‰Ib(1级 Class 1) | |
功耗 Consumption | <2VA | |
测量性能 Measurement performance | 符合标准 Standard | GB/T17215.321-2008 |
有功电能精度 Active energy accuracy | 1级 1 Class | |
温度精度 Temperature accuracy | ±2℃ | |
脉冲 Pulse | 脉冲宽度 Width of pulse | 80±20ms |
脉冲常数 Pulse constant | 6400imp/kWh 、400imp/kWh、200imp/kWh、100imp/kWh、60imp/kWh | |
通信 Communication | 无线 Wireless | 470MHz无线传输,空旷时最远传输距离:1km Transmission on 470MHz and maximum distance in open space is 1km |
红外通讯 Infrared communication | 波特率固定为1200 The constant baud rate is 1200 | |
接口 Interface | RS485(A+、B-) | |
介质Connection mode | 屏蔽双绞线 Shielded twisted pair conductors | |
协议 Protocol | MODBUS-RTU |