

参考价: 面议

2023-11-30 09:47:45





2290 系列高压电源非常适合高压设备和材料测试,以及高能物理试验。 为高达 5000V 的电压输出选择 2290-5 型号电源,为高达 10,000V 的电压输出选择 2290-10 型号电源。 这些电源测量 1V 分辨率的输出电压和 1μA 分辨率的输出电流。 除了电压和电流输出显示屏外,第三个显示屏显示以下四种设置之一:输出电压、电压限制、电流限制或电流跳闸。


  • 2290系列高压电源有助于高压器件和材料测试以及高能物理实验。2290-5型 5kV电源电压输出高达5000V,2290-10型10kV电源电压输出高达10,000V。2290-5 型电源具有5mA电流能力,2290-10型电源具有1mA电流能力。这些电源可对输出 电压进行测量,其电压分辨率是1V,也可以对输出电流进行测量,其电流分辨率 是1μA。除了电压和电流输出显示,第三个显示屏还可以呈现以下四个设置中的之 一:输出电压、电压限幅、电流限幅、电流跳闸。这些值可以通过前面板键盘设置。 还可以通过IEEE-4888接口对这些设置进行编程,或者通过模拟控制电压设置输出 电压。


    当使用高灵敏度测量仪器进行漏电流或高阻测量时,低输出噪声至关重要。 2290-10型电源输出波分低于1VRMS。2290-5型电源输出波分低于100mVRMS。 2290-5型电源通过选配两个内部滤波器,可将输出波纹降低至3mVRMS。这两 款电源具有极低的噪声,便于高灵敏度测量仪器进行皮安级的精确电流测量。


    2290系列电源和2290-PM-200型保护 模块可使用户和仪器免遭危险电压损害。 当高压测试夹具检修门打开时,利用电源 内置的互锁电路,可以确保输出电压禁用。 此外,2290系列所有电源都具有低压模拟 输出,允许对高电压和输出电流进行安全 监控。

    在高压电路中使用低压测量仪器时, 保护模块可以将仪器电压安全地钳位在 200V值,即使待测器件(DUT)击穿。 因此,2290系列电源2290-PM-200型保护 模块和吉时利附件提供了构建安全、高压 测试环境所需的一切。

  • The 2290 series high voltage power supply is useful for high voltage device and material testing as well as high energy physics experiments. Type 2290-5 5kV power supply voltage output up to 5000V, type 2290-10 10kV power supply voltage output up to 10,000V. Type 2290-5 power supply has 5mA current capacity, type 2290-10 power supply has 1mA current capacity. These sources can measure the output voltage with A voltage resolution of 1V or the output current with A current resolution of 1 A. In addition to the voltage and current output display, the third screen can display one of the following four Settings: output voltage, voltage limiting, current limiting, and current tripping. These values can be set via the front panel keyboard. These Settings can also be programmed via the ieeee-4888 interface, or the output voltage can be set via an analog control voltage.

    Low noise ensures high accuracy and low level measurement

    Low output noise is essential for leakage current or high resistance measurements using highly sensitive measuring instruments. Maximum output wavelength of model 2290-10 power supply is lower than 1VRMS. Maximum output wavelength of model 2290-5 power supply is less than 100mVRMS. The model 2290-5 power supply can reduce the maximum output ripple to 3mVRMS by selecting two internal filters. These two power supplies provide extremely low noise levels for accurate picoampere-level current measurements by highly sensitive measuring instruments.

    Protect users and equipment

    The 2290 series power supply and the 2290-pm-200 protection module protect users and instruments from dangerous voltages. When the access door of the high-voltage test fixture is opened, the interlocking circuit built into the power supply can ensure that the output voltage is disabled. In addition, all 2290 series power supplies have low voltage analog outputs, allowing for safe monitoring of high voltages and output currents.

    When using a low-voltage measuring instrument in a high-voltage circuit, the protection module can safely clamp the instrument voltage to the maximum value of 200V, even if the device under test (DUT) breaks down. Therefore, the 2290 series power supply 2290-pm-200 type protection module and ghisley accessories provide everything needed to build a safe, high-voltage test environment.

  • 上一篇:《板框压滤机的广泛应用行业分析》 下一篇:《滤板损坏的原因分析》
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