RM-2021型个人剂量报警仪 便携式辐射检测仪 质保3年!
面议上海减压器厂氧气减压器 YQY-752氧气减压阀 氧气减压表 调节阀
面议供应 ST-1双色金属刻字机 电火花刻字机 简单操作 现货
面议led塔吊灯 投光灯 码头探照灯 上海亚明建筑之星工地照明灯
面议德国进口SCAT 废液收集无机物 安全桶容量 2.5L 有UN认证
面议中国台湾泰仕TES-1334A照度计 便携式数显光照度仪 TES1334A
面议泰克曼 数字式高压绝缘电阻测试仪 兆欧表TM3007 1000V
面议泰克曼TM950D 手持式红外测温仪 非接触式测温 温度计电脑存储
面议供应氮气流量计 减压阀YQD-LLJ 氮气流量计减压器 上海减压阀门厂 调节阀
面议新供应 JCB-2型建材不燃性试验炉 原装 销售
面议JB4022型χ-γ辐射个人报警仪 便携式辐射检测仪| 质保3年!
面议德国VITLAB 瓶口移液器Genius 2.5-25ml 原装! 移液器/移液枪
面议SafetyWasteCaps Accessories
The exhaust filter for S.C.A.T. waste systems
Exhaust filters keep your workspace safe clean. The exhaust filter is an essential component of the S.C.A.T. safety system. It cleans solvent vapors from the exhaust air and is available in different sizes. With a specific surface of 1,200 m²/g, our multi-component granulate is the optimum filter media for nearly all solvent vapors. It is based on active charcoal and contains additional components which prevent sticking or clump formation and so prevents restriction of the filter performance. 99 % of the volatile substances are captured here.
Up to 120,000 m² filter surface
Multi-component granulate prevents clumping
NEW: Exhaust filter with change indicator
Exhaust filters are permanently exposed to vapours, dust particles and pollutants. Exchange saturated filters within their service life to maintain your workspace safety. With the useful change indicator the inspection is easier than ever before. Install the exhaust filter as usual on your solvent reservoir. The filters fit to all S.C.A.T. waste systems. By pushing the button the activation is done. The change indicator shows the elapsed service life clearly and is easy to observe.