FOTRIC 680 在线全辐射热像——菲尔泰电子
面议单通道输出实验室程控直流电源SYSKON P系列——菲尔泰电子 测距仪
面议太阳能光伏测试仪 PROFITEST PV——菲尔泰电子
面议手持式稳定光源FET-OLS201A——菲尔泰电子 光纤测试仪
面议手持式光时域反射仪(OTDR)FET-OTDR801P——菲尔泰电子 光纤测试仪
面议迷你蓝牙功率计——菲尔泰电子 光纤测试仪
面议手持式PON光功率计——菲尔泰电子 光纤测试仪
面议光纤寻障仪——菲尔泰电子 光纤测试仪
面议Fluke 985 空气尘埃粒子计数器——菲尔泰电子
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面议For robust heavy-duty applications
The KINAX N702-INOX is a very robust, absolute inclination transmitter which is ideal due to its high mechanical strength and the hermetically sealed stainless-steel housing particularly suited for use in harsh environments. It offers a high protection to aggressive media such as sea water and detergent.
The very simple assembly by the synchro or mounting plate, the highly flexible 5-pole control line, the free parameterisation via the control line offers maximum installation flexibility.