MTL-5 - Mini Tea CO2 激光器

MTL-5 - Mini Tea CO2 激光器

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2020-12-23 19:20:09





MTL-5 - Mini Tea CO2 激光器MTL-5 - Mini Tea CO2 激光器由美盛科技中国有限公司供应MTL 5 是一个契约,方便用户、 台式茶 (横向激动的大气压力) 脉冲 CO2 激光。MTL 5 功能自诊断测试和内置,失败旨在监视系统性能和支持系统的完整性的安全机制。激光提供科学的各种高性能规格和专业应用程序


MTL-5 - Mini Tea CO2 激光器
MTL-5 - Mini Tea CO2 激光器由美盛科技中国有限公司供应
MTL 5 是一个契约,方便用户、 台式茶 (横向激动的大气压力) 脉冲 CO2 激光。

MTL 5 功能自诊断测试和内置,失败旨在监视系统性能和支持系统的完整性的安全机制。激光提供科学的各种高性能规格和专业应用程序

MTL 5 可以在任一多模式或单模式 (TEM00) 配置操作。多模式输出能量的额定值在 150mJ / 100 hz 的脉冲。

增加的**选定的光圈大会使单个横向模式操作。激光输出能量无波长选择 TEM00 单一空间模式操作的额定值在 80mJ/脉冲。与手动调谐的光栅选项一起使用时,需要此配置。与手动光栅调谐选项输出能量是 50mJ/脉冲。

MTL 5 提供一个单独的电源,使用户能够优化空间而不损害他们的实验。电源和头之间互连的已知的正当理由生命周期。

圆柱的激光头包含异型电极提供同质的放电。一系列的 UV 火花前 ionisers 的间距沿放电长度。激光气体是通过一个流量分庭,横跨整个放电节给优化统一气体流量内部分发。激光气体通过积分的热交换器,为 20 赫兹以上的操作需要冷却水冷却。

激光气体已得到了优化到一个专有的气体混合物,和激光具有 2 种操作的主要模式: 流动或缓慢流动。流模式提供*大输出能量作为,并利用标准 3 组件气体混合物。此外,缓慢流 (< 0.5I / min) 可以实现。

电源包含开关模式充电机组额定为 1000J/秒,25kV,和主放电电容器是闸流管切换为低命令抖动和*高的可靠性。供应执行**的放电通过光纤,确保系统性能,远程监测系统的完整性和弧事件检测。供应将关闭激光的潜在系统损害的发生风险时,指示系统状态指示灯 LED 的范围。


光栅调谐的选项 — — 手动调整
9.2 和 10.8 微米之间 60 线上的操作被通过添加优化选项的光栅。

新的和改进高精度、 低手动调谐激光头位置,*后方反光镜大会配套重视。低大会是现在一些第三方 USB 控制兼容自动化千分尺驱动器。光栅被分开放电容量由布鲁斯特的窗口。*大的能源是 50mJ 每脉冲强增益线上。

Pulsed Gas Laser Series

MTL-5 - Mini Tea CO2 Laser

The MTL-5 is a compact, user-friendly, bench-top TEA (Transverse Excited Atmospheric Pressure) pulsed CO2 Laser.

The MTL-5 features self-diagnostic testing and built-in, fail safe mechanisms designed to monitor system performance and to support system integrity. The laser offers high performance specifications for a variety of scientific and specialist applications.

The MTL-5 can be operated in either multi-mode or single mode (TEM00) configuration. Multi-mode output energy is rated at 150mJ / pulse at 100Hz.

The addition of a precisely selected aperture assembly enables single transverse mode operation. Laser output energy TEM00 single spatial mode operation without wavelength selection is rated at 80mJ/pulse. This configuration is required for use with the manual tuned grating option. With manual grating tuned option output energy is 50mJ/pulse.

The MTL-5 is supplied with a separate power supply that enables users to optimise space without compromising their experiments. The interconnection between the power supply and head has a known warranted lifetime.

An optional wavelength selection unit with precision grating control enables users to step tune easily between wavelengths.

Download the MTL-5 Technical Specification

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Laser Head

The cylindrical laser head contains profiled electrodes to provide a homogenous discharge. A series of UV spark pre-ionisers are spaced along the discharge length. The laser gas is circulated internally via a flow chamber to give optimised uniform gas flow across the entire discharge section. The laser gas is cooled via an integral heat exchanger which requires water cooling for operation above 20 Hz.

The laser gas has been optimised to a proprietary gas mixture and the laser has 2 main modes of operation: Flow or Slow Flow. The Flow mode provides maximum output energies as specified, and utilises a standard 3 component gas mixture. In addition, Slow Flow (<0.5I/min) can be achieved.

Power Supply

The power supply contains a switch mode charging unit rated at 1000J/sec, 25kV, and the main discharge capacitors are thyratron switched for low command jitter and highest reliability. The supply performs sophisticated discharge monitoring remotely via an optical fibre to ensure system performance, system integrity and arc event detection. The supply will shut down the laser in the event of risk of potential system damage occurring and indicate the system status with a range of indicator LED’s.

The supply has a LCD display switchable to read discharge voltage or repetition rate control functions, the supply can also accept external trigger control inputs.

Grating Tuned Option – Manual Tuning

Operation on 60 lines between 9.2 and 10.8 microns is achieved by adding the grating tuning option.

A new and improved high precision, low backlash manual tuning accessory attaches to the laser head in place of the * rear reflector assembly. This low back lash assembly is now compatible with some third party USB controlled automated micrometer drives. The grating is separated from the discharge volume by a Brewster window. Maximum energy is 50mJ per pulse on the strong gain lines.

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