Series WE07

Series WE07

参考价: 面议

2022-01-29 11:05:39







THE SERIES WE07 incorporates a V-portball valve for impressive flow rates withminimal pressure drop. Quarter turncontrol ball valves are compact, lighterweight and much less expensive thancomparable sized globe valves andsegmented control valves. They also offerbubble tight shut off with zero leakage andcan withstand high pressure drops. The 60°and 90° balls offer an equal percentage flowcharacteristic. W. E. Anderson’s V-port ballvalves have been designed to offermaximum flow characteristics that aresubstantially higher than comparably sizedglobe valves. The natural flow pattern ofball valves increases flow rates and in manyapplications valves smaller than pipelinesize can be used.
Actuators are direct mounted creating acompact assembly for tight spaces. Limitswitches can be mounted directly to thevalves allowing for remote positionindication.

The Series WE07 can be configured withan electric or pneumatic actuator. Electricactuators are available in weatherproof orexplosion-proof, a variety of supply voltagesand Two-position modulating control.
Two-position actuators use the supplyvoltage to drive the valve open or close,while the modulating actuator accepts a 4 to20 mA input for valve positioning.Actuators feature thermal overloadprotection and a permanently lubricatedgear train.
The pneumatic double acting actuator usesan air supply to drive the valve open andclosed. The actuator has two supply portswith one driving the valve open and theother driving the valve closed. Springreturn pneumatic actuators use the airsupply to open the valve and internallyloaded springs return the valve to the closedposition. Also available is the SV3 solenoidvalve to electrically switch the air supplypressure between the air supply ports foropening and closing the valve. Actuators areconstructed of anodized and epoxy coatedaluminum for years of corrosion freeservice.

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