parker派克传感器Parker 为广泛的移动设备应用提供传感器、电子元件和控件。Parker 传感器和控件以其坚固耐用而著称。Parker 在开发和制造以下所有传感器方面经验丰富:
parker派克传感器Parker has over 30 years of experience as a reliable, quality source for customer application specific sensing and switching requirements. We have earned a reputation as the supplier that provides complete sensor solutions to our customers by offering such value added components as specific lead wire, connectors, and mounting brackets.
Innovative product designs can be adapted to specific applications using customer specifications, test criteria, and industry standards.
Due to the use of the specific design team approach, customer considerations need to be given to volumes, lead time, production tooling and N.R.E. expenses for each project. Many times it is possible to adapt existing designs to applications for less cost to the customer. Each request is considered on its own merit.
Products include: