免费会员 其他
免费会员 其他
Key Specifications
Up to 200M deep.
Two data rate options: 4Gb/s on 68 ch with 2.5Gb/s on 132 ch, or 2.8Gb/s on 68 ch with 1.4Gb/s on 132 ch
Reliable measurements on eye openings as small as 100 ps by 100 mV
Up to 200 ps (5 GHz), 400 M sample deep conventional and transitonal timing analysis (2.5 GHz full-channel / 5 GHz half-channel)
12.5 GHz (80 ps) TimingZoom with 256 K memory
008: Increase acquisition memory depth to 8 Mb
02G: Increase maximum state speed to 2.5 GHz