- 联系人:
- Beiji
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- 电话:
- 传真:
- 86-010-61504061
- 地址:
- 北京通州区通州工业开发区光华路16号方和正圆大厦A座2楼
- 邮箱:
- 1275041125@qq.com
北京华睿志达科技发展有限公司 是一家集技术推广、销售和技术服务于一体的高科技企业,公司设有业务职能机构、售后服务体系, 为您提供优质的产品和热情的服务。
北京华睿志达科技发展有限公司致力于核辐射、化学、生物一体化多功能检测系统,核应急监测、环境辐射监测、实验室分析、放废测量系统、洗消隔离装置,辐射防护用品、辐射监测系统工程、射线防护材料、红外线发射率检测仪器、 核医学仪器及X射线机CT机QA/QC系统(CT机性能测试模体,X线机性能检测仪,CT机综合性能测试仪,CT剂量模体,CT剂量仪,伸缩杆型低高能散漏射线剂量/剂量率测量仪, 临床乳腺机IQ QA/QC测试模体,CBCT测试模体,乳腺AEC模体(乳腺AEC板)人体X射线仿真人培训模体,X射线仿真人教学模体,等)、实验仪器、环保核辐射仪器设备等研发销售,我们以科学严谨的工作态度,服务于社会。
Beijing Huaruizhida Technology Development Co.Ltd.,is an enterprise concentrating on research, producing, sale and technology. There are good and effective business function institutions, offering good products and sincere service.
Radiation measuring and monitoring instrumentation, Radiation protection products, X-Ray QA/QC concepts, Thermal Emissivity Measure are four fields of the company. These production of the company has covered almost all over the world.
Being based on the high technology, our company aims at the market, seizes the opportunity, and keeps the improvement going. We will offer guaranteed service and credit, and make the unified friendship with all over the world. Great success is waiting for us!