天津纽泰克自控仪表有限公司是美国独资企业,成立于一九九四年。本公司引进美国*的技术知识和管理模式,技术力量雄厚、工艺*、设备精良。本公司产品严格按照国家和标准生产,具有完善的检测手段和严格的出厂检验制度,以精度高、品种多、质量好而著称。 公司的主要系列产品有:普通压力表;氨用、氧用压力表;电接点压力表;磁助电接点压力表;高温防腐压力表;防腐耐震压力表;膜盒压力表;膜片压力表;差动远传压力表;全不锈钢压力表;隔膜压力表;差压压力表;全不锈钢隔膜压力表;远接压力表;全塑料隔膜压力表等。 本公司所生产的测压系列仪表被广泛用于机械、石油、化工、冶金、电力、轻纺、食品饮料、消防、制药、科研等行业。其*的生产技术和工艺,优质的服务,准确的交货期,赢得了客户的信赖。 我公司于一九九七经化工部计控办公室及中国计量协会化工计控分会组织的专家考核,评定批准为化工企业合格供方厂家。 另外,本公司于一九九九年八月经中国质量检验协会的评定,取得了《企业质量检验机构评定合格证书》,即符合GB/T19000-ISO9000系列标准和GB/T15480-1995,GB/T15483-1995,GB/15486-1995系列国家标准。
These series of pressure gauges are compact and reliable. They are suitable for gaseous or liquid media will not obstruct the pressure system。 Series YTF standard corrosion-proof pressure gauge are used to in common environment, for measuring of a medium with high corrosive. Besides all the feature of YTF, series YTFN gauges offer a significant cushioning and dampening effect and reducing the internal gauge damage by oil filling. Composing with our diaphragms in different material, the above pressure gauges can also made into the electric contact diaphragm pressure gauges that are applied in measuring viscous, strongly corrosive medium as well as the medium easy to be crystallized.
主要技术指标 Technical specifications:
公称尺寸 Norminal size:Φ60、Φ100、Φ150
精度等级 Accuracy:1.0、1.5、2.5
防护等级 Weather protection: IP54、IP65
测量元件 Pressure element: Stainless Steel 316SS
机芯 Movement: 不锈钢 Stainless Steel
表壳 Case: 08F (喷黑塑) finished with baked black enamel
Ranges(MPa):0~0.06…60 Or equivalent other Units of pressure or vacuum Standard ranges.
Working Pressure: Steady: 3/4× full scale value, Fluctuating:2/3×full scale value, Short time: full scale value。
Pressure connection: Bottom or back entry Special connection can be offered on Request.
充液 Liquid filling: 硅油或约定其它类别 Silicone oil or other oil on request.
Caution: Silicone should not be used with highly oxidizing agents such as oxygen, chlorine, nitric acid or hydrogen peroxide, because of danger of spontaneous chemical reaction, inflammability or explosion.
Other: Connected with the isolanting diaphragm part(code:BW),YTFN series can be used to measure the pressure of an impulsing, a shocking or a suddenly unloaded medium.