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气动控制阀(薄膜阀)pneumatic control valve(membrane valve) 1. 依工作温度(℃)及适用流体来决定阀的型号。 In accordance with the working temperature (℃) and the suitable fluid to determine valve model. 2. 依流量值(KVS)来决定阀的口径。 In accordance with the flow value (KVS) to determine the valve diameter. 3. 依压力值(△P)来决定传动器的型式。 According to the pressure value (△P) to determine the type of driver. 型号(type):Baodi-240/242-B-AD-P21-3/6/12/18-Fu/Fo 操作压力(operating pressure):3=1.2kg/cm2, 6=1.2kg/cm2, 12=1.2kg/cm2, 18=1.2kg/cm2 操作方式(mode of operation):Fu=通气开(Ventilation opening),Fo=通气关(Ventilation, close) 工作温度(working temperature):-20℃~+350℃ 本体耐压(body pressure):PN16及PN25(PN16 and PN25)(压差值参考表the reference table difference pressure) 控制方式(control mode):P.PI.PID.ON-OFF 轴封形式(the seal form):Gland 传动器耐温(motor temperature):-10℃~+80℃ 口径(Caliber):DN15~DN150mm(1/2”~6”) 流量值(flow value):参考表(reference table) 适用流体(application of fluid):蒸汽,热水,水,气体(steam, hot water, water, gas) 本体材料(the material of the body):球墨铸铁(nodular cast iron)
【控制阀之公称直径(DN)及流量值(KVS)】 【Control valve nominal diameter (DN) and flow value (KVS)】