


  • 面议
WVR5250 WVR5250波形监测仪



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WFM/WVR5000 系列是以合理价格监控基本视频和音频内容方面的行业标准。无论是在制作环境还是在后期制作环境中,5000 系列都可以通过一系列软件选件提供的品质、高清/标清支持、多功能性,并且能够处理 3G-SDI (WFM/WVR5200) 和 HDMI (WFM/WVR5250)
  • 特点

    • 两路SDI输入和两路高清晰度多媒体接口(HDMI)输入,支持高带宽数字内容保护协议(HDCP)

      • 标准配置的WVR5250可自动检测3G/HD/SD-SDI、双链路和HDMI视频格式(支持3G-SDI需要选件3G)

      • HDMI输入和HDMI输出均支持HDCP协议,可直接与消费电子产品相连接,例如机顶盒、DVD/蓝光播放器等

      • 双通道同时监视(选件SIM)

      • 16通道嵌入AES/EBU音频的同时监视,支持环绕声显示*1和灵活的李沙如显示(选件AUD)

      • 音频响度监视,执行ITU-R BS.1770-3/1771,EBU R 128规范和ATSC A/85建议(选件LOUD和选件AUD)

    • 享有泰克公司的钻石显示和箭头显示,用于彩色色域符合性监视

    • 享有泰克公司的新型矛头显示和亮度限定矢量(LQVTM)显示,为节目后期制作应用期间的精确彩色调整提供方便(选件PROD)

    • 提供立体3D视频显示,可用于摄像机校准和节目制作/后期制作应用(选件S3D)

    • 完善的数据监测功能,有助于快速解决复杂的内容质量问题和可靠性问题(选件DATA)

      • 支持CEA708/608隐蔽字幕的同时监视;支持图文电视和OP47字幕监视(选件DATA)

      • 检测和解码ANC数据,包括AFD、WSS、视频索引(Video Index)、TSID、V-Chip、广播标志/CGMS-A、VITC、LTC和ANC TC

      • 支持ARIB STD-B35/B37/B39、TR-B22和TR-B23

      • 提供ANC数据查验器和SDI数据分析显示,有助于查找ANC数据问题和SDI数据问题(选件DATA)

      • 提供HDMI/HDCP状态显示(含扩展的显示识别数据EDID信息),有助于用户查找连通性故障

    • 提供简洁方便的3G/HD/SD彩条信号和病理信号发生器(选件GEN),可用于信号路径和设备的故障查寻(3G-SDI测试信号发生需要选件3G)

    • 提供多种监视显示

      • 享有泰克公司的定时和闪电显示,使设备和通道间的定时调整更方便

      • 外接基准参考信号(黑场或者三电平同步信号)的波形显示

      • 黑帧图像检测和享有泰克公司的冻结图像帧检测

      • 提供强大的告警功能、状态报告和多达10000项事件的出错日志记录,简化错误校正任务

      • 可由用户定义的安全区刻度和AFD刻度,为节目编辑和格式转换提供方便

    • 的显示多样性

      • 灵活方便的四分屏显示,特别适合于多种应用的场合,可以显著提高工作效率

      • TandemVu® 显示,特别适合于摄像机的亮度和色度信号的调整

      • 在全屏显示模式中,可为精确调整提供的显示范围

    • 的多用性

      • 1RU高,半机架宽,机身短(机身长5.5英寸或14cm)的轻便式仪器,特别适合于空间受限的环境中使用

      • 4针XLR DC电源输入,带AC电源适配器,可在AC/DC环境下操作

      • 32项仪器预置,使用者可迅速调出常用设置,特别适合于色彩艺术者、编辑人员和其它操作人员使用

      • 仪器前面板设有USB端口,便于传送仪器的预置项、屏幕快照和出错日志记录

      • 仪器前面板设有耳机端口,便于各个音频通道

      • 提供SNMP和以太网遥控接口功能以及GPI控制,为中心监测和操控提供方便

      • 提供DVI-I外接显示器输出,可以十分方便地与数字显示器或者模拟XGA显示器相连接

  • The characteristics of

    Two channel SDI input and two channel HDMI input, support high bandwidth digital content protection protocol (HDCP)

    Standard configuration of WVR5250 can automatically detect 3G/HD/ sd-sdi, dual link and HDMI video format (support 3G-SDI required option 3G)

    HDMI input and output support the HDCP protocol, which can be directly connected to consumer electronic products, such as set-top boxes, DVD/ blu-ray players, etc

    Dual channel simultaneous monitoring (optional SIM)

    16 channels embedded with AES/EBU audio for simultaneous monitoring, support for surround sound display *1 and flexible lissauru display (option AUD)

    Audio loudness monitoring, performing itu-rbs.1770-3/1771, EBU R 128 specification and ATSC A/85 recommendation (LOUD and AUD options)

    Teck patented diamond display and arrow display for color gamut compliance monitoring

    New spearhead display and luminance limit vector (LQVTM) display patented by tektronix provides convenience for accurate color adjustment during program post-production application (option PROD)

    3D video display for camera calibration and program production/post-production applications (option S3D)

    Perfect DATA monitoring function, which helps to solve complex content quality problems and reliability problems quickly (optional DATA)

    Support cea708/608 hidden subtitles while monitoring; Support graphic TV and OP47 subtitle monitoring (option DATA)

    Detection and decoding of ANC data, including AFD, WSS, Video Video Index, TSID, v-chip, broadcast logo/cgms-a, VITC, LTC and ANC TC

    Supports ARIB std-b35 /B37/B39, tr-b22 and tr-b23

    Providing ANC DATA checker and SDI DATA analysis to help find ANC DATA problems and SDI DATA problems (option DATA)

    Provide HDMI/HDCP status display (including extended display identification data EDID information) to help users find connectivity failures

    Provide simple and convenient 3G/HD/SD color bar signal and pathological signal generator (option GEN), which can be used for signal path and equipment fault search (3G-SDI test signal generation needs option 3G)

    Provides multiple monitoring displays

    Tektronix patented timing and lightning display makes timing adjustment between devices and channels more convenient

    Waveform display of external reference signal (black field or three level synchronous signal)

    Black frame image detection and enjoy tektronics patent frozen image frame detection

    Provides powerful warning function, status report and error logging for up to 10,000 events, simplifying error correction tasks

    User-defined security zone scale and AFD scale provide convenience for program editing and format conversion

    Unique display of diversity

    Flexible and convenient quarter screen display, especially suitable for a variety of applications, can significantly improve work efficiency

    TandemVu ® shows, particularly suited to the camera adjust brightness and chroma

    In full screen display mode, provides maximum display range for precise adjustment

    Unique versatility

    A lightweight instrument with a height of 1RU, half a frame width and a short fuselage (5.5 inches or 14cm in length), it is particularly suitable for use in space-constrained environments

    4 pin XLR DC power input, with AC power adapter, can operate in AC/DC environment

    With 32 instruments preset, users can quickly recall common Settings, especially suitable for color artists, editors and other operators

    The front panel of the instrument is provided with a USB port to facilitate the transfer of instrument presets, screenshots and error logging

    The front panel of the instrument is equipped with a headphone port, which is convenient to monitor each audio channel

    Provide the function of SNMP and Ethernet remote control interface and GPI control, providing convenience for central monitoring and control

    Provide DVI-I external display output, it is very convenient to connect with digital display or analog XGA display

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