型砂检测仪器 铸造测试仪器
江门市三特仪器设备有限公司(Santech Instrument)是专业从事铸造及型砂检测仪器研发、生产、销售的厂家。我们致力于为铸造业、型砂生产企业及各大专院校、科研所的实验室提供高品质的型砂检测仪器和专业服务。 公司拥有一支技术力量雄厚的研发队伍.公司的研发人员具有多年铸造与型砂检测仪器开发和生产的经验,并与业界一些大型企业及高等院校实验室有着密切的合作,在机械电气技术开发、工业设计等方面处于业界*水平,先后研制出*台造型材料触摸屏智能发气性测定仪,微电脑控制自动虹吸洗砂机等具*水平的产品,*国内型砂仪器多项空白. “诚信、创新、专业、敬业”是我们的经营理念。本着这一理念,我们竭诚为广大客户提供*的产品与服务。 Jiangmen Santech Instrument CO.,LTD. specialize in developing, manufacturing and marketing of instrument for cast moulding sand testing. We committed to provide high quality products and professional service for foundry factory, cast moulding sand manufacturer and college laboratory. We have a professional product develop team. Our product develop team had extensive experience in this industry and had close cooperation with some big name companies and college labtory. We are at leading position of this industry in terms of mechanical-electrical technology and industry design. ‘Honesty, Creativity, Professional, Hardworking’ is our business philosophy. With this philosophy we committed to provide our customer first class products and service.