

来源: 山东万象环境科技有限公司

2020/8/12 15:34:15 256


  The model of the soil and fertilizer meter produced by the real manufacturer is FT-GT4. The current market price is 32,800 yuan. It is the equipment produced by Shandong Fengtu Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd. in its own workshop. Users can personally inspect and verify that Shandong Fengtu has a target The exclusive preferential policies of users are all justified, well-founded and well-established. Unlike some small workshops that attract customers at low prices, but there is no real after-sales guarantee, we hope that the majority of users will keep their eyes open when choosing, and refrain from coveting small bargains. It is the right way to choose regular manufacturers!

  我国农业生产中施用有机肥的历史悠久。有机肥经济易得、 来源广泛,养分含量不高但含有多种元素,肥效长。但同时也 存在一些缺点:养分当季利用率低、肥效缓慢、施用量大等。 而化肥的特点则相反,见效快,养分含量高,缺点是肥效短。 由于化肥与有机肥优势互补,二者配合使用增产和培肥地力的 效果明显。打一个比喻,补充土壤养分时施用有机肥为“食补”, 施用化肥为“药补”。人们常说“食补好于药补”,因为有机 肥中含有大量的有机质,可以增加土壤团粒结构,改善土壤水、 肥、气热状况,不仅能补充土壤中含量不足的氮、磷、钾三大 元素,又可以补充各种中、微量元素。因此,必须坚持多种形 式的有机肥投入,才能够培肥地力,实现农业可持续发展。


  Using a good soil and fertilizer meter can really help agricultural production to develop better, and also help the soil environment to become better. It may reduce a lot of fertilizer consumption in the later period. The crops are already growing well, and the crops can be maintained. The output increases everyone’s income and allows everyone to eat. But everyone must choose the soil and fertilizer instrument produced by the official manufacturer Shandong Fengtu, otherwise it will not help.

  土肥仪的作用通俗地讲,就是土肥技术人员通过测土来提供肥料配方指 导农民科学施肥。好比到医院看病,医生先要为你检查化验做 出诊断后再根据病情开药方。测土配方施肥就是“农田医生” 为你的耕地看病开方下药。测土配方施肥技术包括“测土、配 方、配肥、供应、施肥指导”五个核心环节,“田间试验、土 壤测试、配方设计、校正试验、配方加工、示范推广、宣传培 训、效果评价和技术研发”九项重点内容。测土配方施肥技术 的核心是调节和解决作物需肥与土壤供肥之间的矛盾。同时有 针对性地补充作物所需的营养元素,作物缺什么元素就补充什 么元素,需要多少补多少,实现各种养分平衡供应,满足作物 的需要。


